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Leta sighed, turning around. The silence in the room was growing increasingly unpleasant. Then Newt and Tina realized that Leta was the only thing standing in their way of leaving, due to Grindelwald's enjoyment of cruelty.

Already Newt and Leta had made eye contact. "No," she said. "No, I'm not," she said immediately.

"Please," Newt pleaded. "You've already done so much to me in the past. I've taken blows for you a million times over. You owe me," he begged.

"I can't," she said, blinking back tears. "I can't handle-" she looked down.

Newt felt an instinctive impulse to reach out and comfort her. Despite what she'd done to him, he didn't want her to be hurting either. They had been really good friends, probably the closest friend he had for years, and at least for him, that wasn't a bond easily broken.

He looked at Tina and she nodded. "It's okay," she said encouragingly. "I trust you." He felt a rush of protectiveness of her. He promised to himself he would do whatever she ever wanted him to do from this point on.

He slowly walked towards Leta. She turned towards him, her eyes brimming with tears. He stepped forward, but she looked away. "No," she said. "Just- just please don't."

He felt confused. "Isn't this what you wanted? Me to comfort you?"

"No," she said. "I do, just... not like this. Not with her here." She looked pointedly at Tina. Tina shrank back.

He looked at her. "You've changed too much," he started. "I don't have time to question myself or you. Are you going to let us leave, or are we going to have to duel you for that door to open?"

She flinched, thinking about the pain she would have to endure later. Then she turned her head away, and looked to the wall. "You have 1 minute, and then I alert him."

He touched her shoulder, and she turned around. "Thank you," he said.

Despite the time limit, he sort of wanted her back in his life. He wasn't sure how he felt about her, but he missed what they were in Hogwarts. But then again, he had Tina now. Someone who he knew he loved, and someone he knew he could depend on.

He didn't know what to do. He just walked quickly back to Tina, and then were running out the door until Newt felt his conscience get the better of him.

Wincing as he turned around, he saw her sitting on the ground, staring at the wall. "Come with us," he said. She looked back, astonished.

"What?" she asked, shocked. He walked closer. "Leta, you know he's going to make you pay for letting us go. You need a way out, and now you do."

She smiled weakly. "No," she said after a moment. "I can't leave. I still support him. Just not in everything he does," she allowed. "Now you need to go." She gently pushed him away.

"Alright," he said, saddened by the fact he couldn't bring his childhood friend to the light. He backed away and grabbed Tina's hand. They ran into the hallway, leaving Leta alone in the room.


Tina felt completely exhilarated, filled with new energy as she raced down hallway after hallway with Newt, turning and swerving.

She couldn't believe that Newt found her. She was pleased that he had been looking for her so much- it couldn't have been easy to find her. However, what she wasn't so happy about was who had been accompanying him.

Newt Returns to New York (Newtina Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant