Chapter 5: Cherry Scones and Crabapples

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Draco woke early on Saturday. Truth be told, he'd hardly slept. He still couldn't believe that he would be going on a date that afternoon. A date. With Harry Potter. His vision started to go fuzzy, and he held his breath, trying to slow his racing heart. It wasn't a big deal. The Weaselette and Luna would be there, after all. And they weren't telling anyone it was a date, since none of them were ready to come out. So... it wasn't a real date, exactly. Just...

He'd never been on a date before. What was he supposed to say? What was he supposed to do? Oh, Salazar. What was he supposed to wear????

OK. Calm down. Get a grip.

He had hours before they were supposed to meet. He couldn't just sit here - he'd go mad. So. Right. He'd pick out his outfit now, so he could avoid stressing about it later, and do what he always did now when he got anxious.

Twenty minutes later, he stood outside Hagrid's door, hand poised to knock. He was vibrating with nervous energy - he needed this, but... while Hagrid was used to him stopping by at odd hours, he'd never visited this early before. Would he even be awake? The sun hadn't even properly risen - the world was a silent watercolor, washed in pale dawn light. Draco felt paralyzed by indecision. He didn't want to wake Hagrid, didn't want to jeopardize his welcome here, and the one anxiety relief he had found, but he couldn't imagine walking back to the castle now.

A shrill whistle shattered the predawn stillness, and Draco jumped.

"Oi there, Malfoy!" He turned, the tense line of his shoulders slowly relaxing, to see Hagrid striding out of the forest.

"Hagrid." He nodded, the energy fizzing and crackling along his nerves making the movement jerky.

Hagrid squinted down at him as he approached. "You all right there, Malfoy? Yer looking' a bit peaky-like."

Draco snorted. "You could say that."

"Well, don't just stand there, lad - the door's not gonna open itself, and I'm a wee bit tied up over here."

"What do you —" Draco frowned, suddenly noticing the awkward bundle in Hagrid's arms. He was about to ask what was in it when the bundle started thrashing wildly. He jumped.

"The door, lad," Hagrid grunted, as he struggled to keep his hold on the bundle. "The faster we get 'er settled the better."

"Right." Draco hastily opened the door, stepping back and holding it wide for Hagrid, who nodded his thanks as he shuffled through the clutter that filled his small hut - more chaotic even than usual - and plopped the bundle down onto a pile of rags in the corner. Hagrid sighed as he fastened the latch on one of the cages Draco had helped him build over the past several weeks - the largest one, Draco noted apprehensively. The bundle was bigger than he'd realized, now that it wasn't cradled against Hagrid's oversized chest. Hagrid straightened up with a groan and an audible crack, then pulled a grimy rag from his pocket and mopped his brow.

"Well, now, Malfoy - now that's done, care for a spot o' tea? I've some scones here - fresh-baked; picked 'em up this morning."

Draco smiled. Hagrid, he had discovered, always kept a steady supply of sweets and pastries, and they were always delicious. Whenever Draco asked where he got them, he just smiled mysteriously and said "from the kitchen, lad - where else?"

Dubious origins or no, he'd never been able to turn down pastries, and scones were his favorite.

"D'you have cherry?" he asked, peering interestedly into the tin Hagrid kept in the center of his table.

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