Chapter 3

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Levi's Pov
I shook away the thought and focused on feeding Eren.

While I was feeding him he seemed kinda off. I tried to see what the problem was but no luck. "Waaahh" Eren started to bawled his eyes out.  I don't know why he was but I'll find out sooner or later.

"Shh shh its okay. Levis got you." I felt weird hearing those words coming out of my mouth."Does Eren want a nap?" he nodded sleepily and yawned.

So that's what he wanted? Hey don't judge me I'm new at taking care of this kid. Quietly, I set him down in the old crib and went to look for Hanji as soon as he fell asleep.
"Hanji have you figured out anything about the antidote yet?"

"Sorry I still need it to react to all the chemicals Shorty." Did she just call me shorty?!?!

"What did you just say Shitty Glasses!"

"I-I well I have to go catch ya later!" Ugh I hate her so fucking much. I don't really know why we keep her around. We can just use that blonde kid, what's his face, Armout? No, oh wait, Armin! He seems pretty smart. He's probably smarter than Hanji now that I think about it. I really have to talk to Eyebrows about this. Maybe he'll consider my offer?

I went to go check on Eren but he wasn't in his crib anymore! He was there when I left! Where could he be?!

Panicking I searched everywhere but didn't find him.

No no no! It's like Manny all over again, I can't and I don't want to lose him like I did with him!

"Daddy come catch me!" Manny my little 5 year old said.

No I didn't have a kid, when I found him he was around 3 years old and about to be eaten by a Titan, but luckily I got there in time to save him. Once the Titan was down I went to pick him up and when I did I felt this connection that I just couldn't explain. It was like as if the world was giving me a second chance at experiencing life. I don't know why, but I felt so much more alive when I was with him.
We had a great time being together, hell, he even started calling me daddy. I didn't mind because I kinda like it, and for once I actually felt loved by someone.

He made me feel wanted.

"Daddy's got you my little baby." He giggled and climbed onto my shoulder. 

Manny and I were playing his favorite game, patty cake. Hey don't judge! This is a perfectly normal game for a five year old to play.

We were interrupted by a cadet running towards me and saying, "Sir! Titans have breached Wall Rose!" I stopped  and nodded. "Manny, daddy's gotta go, I promise I'll be back, in the mean time Hanji will take care of you okay?" He nodded and made his way to Hanji.

I didn't need him to know what titans did, well at least not yet. I quickly put on my gear and headed out.

*a few hours later*
I came back from slaying over 35 titans and had blood on me. That didn't matter though I just needed to check on my baby. Besides he's seen me like this multiple times and that doesn't bother him one bit. He asks why I have red stuff on me, and I just tell him that I was painting something and spilt red paint on me.

Since he's only 5 he always believes it and even asks me to take him "painting" with me.

I was making my way towards Hanjis lab and when I entered I saw Hanji fighting off a Titan with Manny behind the table. I raced towards him but didn't make it in time and a second Titan came in and grabbed Manny. I ran as fast  as I could, but, I didn't make it in time. "Daddy!" Was all I heard before I saw the Titan bite his head off.

My eyes filled with tears, but then anger took over and before I knew it I had sliced the titan into over a billion pieces. When I did I fell to the floor and started crying. They had killed my baby. They killed my reason to keep fighting.

I could've protected him. I was right there! If I had only gone there sooner he wouldn't have died! It's all my fault. I let him die.

I didn't even try to save him...I killed him...

I blamed myself for his death for years, when Hanji and Erwin tried to convince me that it wasn't. I just couldn't seem to believe them, because it was my fault that he died, and no one else's. It was all on me. I killed him.

*flashback over*

No, it won't be like last time Levi! He's fine!

You will find him! "EREN!Where are you?!" I felt something warm run down my cheeks. I Levi Ackerman was CRYING about Eren. At this point I didn't care. I just wanted Eren back.

"Please come back--I-I love--" I couldn't finish my sentence and saw that Eren was by the door and was back to normal.

My face flushed with embarrassment, anger, relief, and happiness. Quite a strange mix of emotions for me to have.

I just froze, I couldn't do anything, except cry. I looked at the ground hoping to avoid eye contact with Eren. I can't believe he almost heard me confess my feeling towards him.

"I-I I'm sorry i scared you Levi" he mumbled."I-I-I" I didn't finish saying anything and that's when Eren wiped my tear stained face, cupped my cheeks, and KISSED me!

I gladly kissed back and he told me,"Levi I never would've thought you out of all the people would say I love you to me." he said surprised. Oh no, now he hates me! Good job Levi! "I understand if your disgusted Ere-"
"No no no it's not like that Levi I LOVE you so much! I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you so please don't EVER say anything like that again okay?!"Eren exclaimed.

"Eren I love you too" I replied with and I SMILED for the first time in ages. He grinned at me and pulled me in for a hug.

For the first time in years I felt happy, and I was going to do everything in my power to keep it that way for a long time.

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