Chapter 6 - Masterpiece

Start from the beginning

"No, I'm with my friend but she's busy with her ex," Yuri bitterly said.

"Ow, same here... But my best friend is busy with her boyfriend. Anyway, I'm Eunji, Cho Eunji." Eunji gave a hand to Yuri.

"Um, Yuri," Yuri shook his hand with the girl "Kwo-"

"I know you. Kwon Yuri, the vice captain of baseball team of S.I.U." Eunji finished the sentence for him.

"How did you know me?"

"Same school, but you are ahead. I'm on my junior year, taking Fine Arts."

"Wow we have the same course, nice to meet you Eunji."

"Actually I'm a fan of yours Yuri ever since you became the vice captain," Eunji was straight forward, she grabbed this moment to confess.

"Ah, heh- um, th-thank you," Yuri stuttered, he was flattered.

Jessica saw Yuri was talking to a girl and she stopped dancing. She was just staring at them. "Who's that girl? Now he's flirting with others huh?" She thought.

"Are you single?" Eunji asked.

"Huh? Ah- yeah.""Is she flirting on me?"

"Well if you're single, I'm an album."

Yuri stared at the girl and then he laughed. "That's funny, oh gosh!" He said between the laugh, it's just a plain joke but he overreacted because he wanted to lessen the pain.

"I'm glad I made you laugh because you look sad a while ago."

" You know thank you Eunji, friends?"

"I would love that," Eunji held Yuri's hand.

"How dare that girl to touch Yuri?!" Jessica glared at the girl.

"You wanna dance Yuri?" Eunji asked.

"But I don't dance, sorry."

"You don't but you can, then I will teach you. Come on Yuri, let's have fun! This night is beautiful just to sit there," Eunji persuaded.


Eunji and Yuri were about to go in the dance floor but a guy blocked them, he was drunk.

"Eunji baby, come with me," The guy grabbed Eunji's wrist.

Eunji squeezed her hand, trying to remove the guy's hand but the guy was stronger than her.

"Donghae please let go of me."

"Let's get out of here," Donghae was pulling Eunji forcefully.

"Hey dude... let go of her!" Yuri calmly said.

"And who are you??" Donghae hiccuped.

Yuri held Donghae's hand and pushed it away. Donghae finally let go of Eunji.

"Shit, who are you??" Donghae shouted furiously.

Eunji pushed herself to Yuri and she was clinging on his arm "He's my boyfriend so please stop bothering me."

"WHAT?" Donghae and Yuri said in the same time.

"We're not yet over!" Donghae sneered.

"Let's get out of here Eunji" Yuri said.

"Wait! I'm not done to you yet!"

Yuri with his peripheral view, accidentally saw Jessica was kissing Steve. He felt that his heart skipped a beat. And his world became in slowmo~ his focus was back to Donghae and the latter already threw punch over him. Yuri budged lightly and the side of his lips were bleeding.

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