The next minutes felt like seconds. I heard the sound of bones cracking, screaming..was there someone begging for his life but glady it wasn't myself. That was the first time I was able to move again, I needed to see what was going on there. The park lamps used to be lightened up but this night it weren't. The very first thing I saw even I wasn't able to see clearly because it was almost to dark to see anything was a dark dressed person. Obviously it was a man because his wide shoulders were clothed with a leather jacket, his long slim legs were shown perfectly in those skinny jeans.
The second thing I realized were his strong arms...was he way.. he was holding two men, one man each with a strong hand grip into the air, shaking them like an earthquake. I didn't know how hard I hit my head but I couldn't believe what I saw next.
One guy was still in his strong grip shaking his legs to get back down on the ground. The other man flew about 10 meters through the air just with one punch of that strange guy. Okay maybe I hit my head to hard because how would that even be possible.
"Please please don't.. I...I'm begging." that man who was still in his strong grip was just whimpering into the cold air.
I expected an answer from that awkwardly strong man but all he does was grabbing that man's neck with his free hand. The last thing I heard was breaking bones. I just heard it because I wasn't able to watch that scenario. Shaking on my whole body, tears still running down my cheeks as I thought it would be the worse to get killed by those two men. No, no it was even worse to get killed by that guy who killed two innocent men with just one go right now. I was still laying on the ground as I heard steps coming closer into my direction.
"Are you okay?" was all I could hear. Was he serious? He really asked if I'm okay? He just killed two men infront of my eyes and asked if I was okay? I could't believe my ears. I was slowly turning myself trying to see his face. It park lamps were still out so I barely couldn't see anything.
"Whaat??" I covered my mouth immidately but that sight which was built in front of my eyes was just to shocking to keep silent.
I couldn't see his face completely but what I saw was a huge cut on his cheek which was all over with his blood or maybe the blood of those two men? So those men were about to kill me and they hurted him with a knive? Why wasn't he saying anything? My head was to confused to think clearly second I was still scared as hell. What made me more shock than that huge cut on his cheek were his eyes. It was dark so I normally wasn't supposed to see his eyes but they just had a scary red glint. Wait what??? His eyes were red? What was he? I was scared to death as I waited for his next step. He just focused me with that scary look.
"I'm sorry..I just wanted to help you. I didn't want to scare you. Sometimes I don't know my own strength." that voice....that voice, it sounded so familiar but maybe I was just to destroyed.
I slowly stood up from that stony ground wiping away the little stones which were stuck on my jeans. He still focused me with those sparkle eyes.
I slowly walked backwards wanting to get out of that situation.
"Don't come near me." was all I could say with my broke voice as I slowly could make more distance between us both. As I thought there was enough space between us I started to run like hell expecting he would follow me picking me up and kill me with just one hit but all I could hear were my own steps, my heavy breath and my sobbing from tears.
I didn't sleep well, all I saw in my dreams were those eyes I couldn't forget. Those eyes which were so unreal, so unreal I wasn't even sure I really saw them. My sleepy eyes were the first thing my collegue realized as I sat myself onto my chair infront of my computer.
"Rough night huh?" he was laughing about his own bad joke as I just nodded in agreement didn't want to think about last night at all either wanting to talk about it so I just left it like that.
Yixing sat infront of his computer too, his gaze which he gave me from time to time seemed concerned like he would know what happened last night. The clock showed 12 o'clock and my stomach already hurted because I wasn't able to eat someting this morning.
"Yixing? Would you like to eat something? Dinner, now?"
His eyes were shock like I was asking him to do something absurd but I wasn't minding as he just answered "Yes why not." with a forced, awkward smile.
We decided to pick a nearby little Café to eat something small knowing that our break didn't last that long.
"You seem tired today Yixing, are you okay?"
"I could ask the same, how are you doing? You are okay?" his tone was just to rough and demanding to do just a little smalltalk.
"I am but why are you acting that strange today?"
Before he could answer my question I realized a small scar on his cheek. That scar seemed old but as I saw him yesterday there wasn't any and I'm sure I heard his voice anywere else...was he? I fixed my eyes with his trying, (Y/N) no, what are you even thinking? He just looked at me with surprise trying to figure out why I was the one who acted strange right now.
"I could swear...I" I narrowed my eyes a little trying to find something helpful in his face to...
"Mhh nevermind." that thought was just ridiculous.
He just kept silence watching me with a concerned look.
"Puhh." I sighed to myself pushing away all the documents and paper snippets which I cutted out of a newspaper to try something new for my article.
I pulled over my jacket which was hanging on my chair, picking my bag from the floor and heading to the elevator as I did everyday.
"Wait (Y/N)" was he screaming behind me rushing in my direction.
"I'm walking you home today, no excuses. I will , I'm either asking!"
"Okay okay no need to get loud Yixing." I still wasn't sure why he was acting that weird today but after that night yesterday I was relieved to have some company on my way home.
We already headed out of the underground, just walked side by side but still I felt safe near him.
We walked slowly but still straight as *that park...that park*
I froze in my movements as I saw the park lamps were still out, like yesterday.
"I'm here, don't worry, I'll protect you." he cutely smiled to me taking my hand in his own, leading me in the direction of that park.
After 10 more minutes we already reached my flat, my lights in front of my door lightened up automatically. The postman was there over the day because my newspaper was laying on the stairs like usually. I took the newspaper in one hand unlocking my door with the other.
"Join for a drink?" I smiled brightly as I gained that smile I was already used to and I was happy I was the one who got that smile from him. I really started to like him more than I thought I would at the beginning.
As we entered my flat I pulled of my jacket hanging it on my wardrobe leaving my shoes under it.
"Feel comfortable Yixing."
He just nodded leaving his shoes and jacket in the corridor.
"There's my livingroom. I'm getting something to drink so I'll be right back."
I was heading in my kitchen wanting to take two glasses out of the cupboard. As I filled in the water I let my eyes wander over the newspaper I brought from outside. The headline made me froze so I poured the water over the glass.

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