Chapter 9

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The girl was really cute and she seemed nice. "Hey you wanna go down to the lake it's just down the street?" I ask her she looks up from her soccer ball. "Ya sure let me ask my aunt" she replies and runs inside. Her hair whipped side to side as she ran inside. I waited a few minutes and she finally came out. "Ya sure lets go. But I have to be back when the streets lights come on." She says and rolls her eyes. I laugh.

We start walking to the docs she breaks the silences, "so you play lacrosse? Is that it?"

"No, I play football and a little basketball. But lacrosse is my favorite." I reply and kick some rocks

"Do you you only play soccer?" I ask before she could say something. "I swim. Well I use to.... But not anymore because I had to move."

I just replied with a simple "oh" and we kept on walking it was really quiet between us. Like too quiet.

" so what happen with your parents if you don't mind me asking?

"When I was 11 my dad died of cancer and then this year my mom died in a fire. So that's why I'm here because I have no one else to live with. I have my brother but he's in college and can't take care of me." She replies. She sounded as if she was going to cry.

I giver her Side hug. She leans her head on me and then looks up and smile at me. I let go and we start walking again. And we reach the dock.

"So are we just gonna stare at the water or are we gonna swim or just put our feet In?" She asks

"It's up to you." I smile At her.

She takes off her shoes and socks and sits at the end of the dock. She leans back on the dock with my hands.

"This view is so nice wow." She says and smiles.

I look at what she was looking at. The sunset was really pretty I take my phone out and take a picture.

We started talking and got to know each other. Out of no where I blurt, "so are you a virgin?"

She looks at me shocked. And then started laughing "Nash!! What the hell! I just met you and we aren't even dating!!" She says while laughing

"Well...well...." I stutter. "Haha it's ok Nash. And to answer the question yes. I am a virgin."

"Sorry for asking" I look down. "It's ok. It just took me by surprise."

She shoves me a little and I shove her back. She stands up and picks up her shoes. I stand up right after her and we start walking back to her house.

"This was fun thank you Nash" she smiles.

"Ya maybe we can do it again sometime." I walk her home and wave bye to her.

Maddie's POV

I walk back inside and my aunt smiles at me

"What?" I ask

"Did you have fun with Nash?"

"Ya he's ok. We are just friends. But matts still my best friend." I say and barley smile

"We are gonna watch a movie and have dinner so if you want to go shower you can"

I nod. And walk up to up my room. It felt weird because everything was new. I liked it but I missed my room and my old friends. I turn on the shower and I throw clothes into a pile. I take my hair out of its pony tail and put the hair tie on the counter. I step into the nice hot shower. I then thought myself what if I was in the house when it burning down. I got so deep into my thoughts that the shower felt like it was burning me.

I quickly snap myself out of my thoughts and start washing my hair.

I got out and started to dry off and get dressed. I brush my wet hair and I throw on my sports bra. Damn. Sport bras hard af to get on when you're wet. I put a shirt on and my hoodie Matt gave me and my sweat pants.

I still had bags full of stuff I needed to undo and I needed to finish decorating my room. I walk by all that stuff and down the stairs into the kitchen.

I sat down with my cousins and aunt and uncle and we all started eating. It was kinda of awkward at first but My uncle starting telling stories that would make us laugh. After we ate we started watching a movie.

It was sky fall James Bond. I already saw with Matthew but I watched it anyways.

In the middle I got up and whispered, "I'm really tired I'm going to bed." "Ok goodnight." Beth said (Beth is the aunt btw) I walk up the stairs into my room

I lay down on the bed and pull out my phone. Matthew texted me


How's the new home

I miss you

Answer me

Did you meet someone new

Am I replaced?

I'm replaced.

I laugh and answer

No Matt your still my best friend lol sorry my phone died and I didn't have a charger.

He replies so fast

Oh ok we'll how's the new the house? When do you start school?

It's fine. I start like after tomorrow.

Oh cool. We all miss you here.

I didn't reply. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep.

Sorry short chapter. It's nice to be back. Hi

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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