Camila pov

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I don't feel like getting up for hell at a new school today. I wish I could spend time with my kids instead of going to that hell we call school.

"Karla get up you're going to be late for your first day of school". This is complete torture. "KARLA CAMILA CABELLO GET UP NOW"!

"I'm up"! I go to my bathroom to get ready. I get ready slower than I usually do because it's just school. When I get out the bathroom Emily starts to cry and that makes me not want to leave.

"Shh Emily I'm here I'm going to feed the both of y'all than I'm going to leave". I didn't here my bedroom door open and my mom coming in the room.

"Sweetie their going to be okay I'll be watching them". I know that mom I'm not stupid. Okay I didn't say that out loud because I would've gotten hit.

"I know mom but this is my first time leaving them home with someone else". I was extremely scared to do this.

*at school*

I was outside of school and I'm surprise I haven't peed myself yet I'm am so terrified. I had to go to the office so I could sign in.

When I got in the school everybody started looking at me and I was so scared I started to get an anxiety attack.

I think a person notice because the last thing I saw was a girl picking me up and saying 'everything's going to be okay'.


I woke up and I didn't know were I was. "Hey Camila you're finally up". Now I'm finally confused on where I was.

"You're in the nurse office if you where wondering". That explains a lot. "Can I ask how I got her Ms".

"A girl dropped you off when you fell to the floor". How long have I been out?

"When can I go back to class"? "When ever you want". I am getting my ass out of this place I've been here to long.

"I'm going to head to class thanks for watching me Ms...."
" Ms. Gomez".

"Okay bye, see you around".


I was late for class on my first day and I couldn't believe this my parents are going to kill me.

A few minutes later I found my class room 1432. Here goes nothing starting my first day at a new school.

When I walked into the classroom all eyes were on me and I just stood there looking like a lost puppy.

"Hi you must be Camila, I'm Ms. Lovato". Camila say something all you have to form is one word and that is hi. Know I'm having an argument with myself. Know I'm talking to myself.

"H-hi I'm C-C-Camila". Really stuttering in front of the whole class, nice one Camila. "Well Camila you can sit behind Kyle".

I looked to see who Kyle was and I went over and sat down. When I got there I already wanted to be somewhere else at that very moment because the word that I hatted so much Kyle said.

"Hey I heard that this 'Camila' girl has two kids she is such a slut". Really people never want to know the truth they always want to judge people.

Like damn they really need a life with there petty ass. I think I was daydreaming the whole time because the bell rang and I had to go to my next class.


It's was lunch time and I was so happy because I was able to go outside now. When I got into the lunchroom all eyes turned to me and you know when you have that moment where you're hoping it is somebody else    behind you, well that is how I felt.

A boy walked up to me and I was scared shitless. "Hey you're the school slut right". So that's why they were all looking at me.

"You know what we like to do to sluts like you". He had a smirk on his face and everything went by in a flash.

His arm was around my neck and everyone was around us. "We own you know and ther---. Before he could finish a girl grabbed him from behind and started beating him.

After awhile she stopped and turned to me and took me outside. "Hey are you okay, can't believe Shawn would do that to you".

I at least know the boy name know. "Sorry if I scared you I was just trying to help I'm Dinah by the way and you are?

"S-S-Sorry I'm c-c-Camila a-and thanks f-for helping m-m-me". "No problem Camila I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school if that was okay with you".

What about my kids? I should probably still do it, it would be nice to have a friend around instead of just Ally.

"Yeah we can hang out but can we go to my house instead"? I hope she says yes.

"Yeah that's fine with me my house is full of people anyway". Than that made me want to know a lot more about her because she seems cool.


I was at home and Dinah was with me but all I wanted to do was see my kids. "MOM IM HOME". I yell then go upstairs so I could cuddle with my kids.

"Hey mila where you g- oh I didn't know you had kids". Oh shit I forgot Dinah was still here.

"Yeah these are my kids Emily and Matthew I love them so much". I picked Matthew up and started kissing his chubby cheeks that I love so much.

"Can I hold one of them"? I told Dinah to wait so I could get Emily out for her. "They look so much like you it's so adorable".

I gave her a toothy smile because there father is uglier than a donkeys ass. "Hi Emily I'm your new god mom and I'm hella cute". I turned my head to see Dinah talking to Emily and I started to laugh really loud waking both of them.

"How the hell do you do this all the time they are so loud". I looked at her like she was crazy, she barely had them for a few minutes and she's already complaining.

This is going to be a crazy friendship between her and I .


I will try to post everyday because I love y'all. ❤❤

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