"How does that even work..?" She asked, and Cake decided to step up and relieve some of the pressure of the idiots. They really were stupid for dragging Fionna into it.

"Well sweetie, first off them dimwits should have left you out of their drama and issues. It was dumb of them to pull you in. Secondly, a man and man relationship can work just like a typical man and woman one. Same with a woman and woman. Sweetie all that matters is that the couple love another very very much. Easy as that. These boys love each other. Clearly not many people know about the type of love they have. It is, truthfully, rare and unusual. But it is love, and we 'ought to respect that." She finishes smoothly. Fionna nods slowly, comprehending it all. Before she knows it though, Gumball is in tears and Marshall is shushing him.

"Shhh, Bubs. Hush. I'll tell her. I will." Marshall looks down at Fionna and admits guiltily. "Bubba cheated on you with me the night before the wedding. Ummm... I don't really remember much besides that he told me we were drunk and impaired and stupid idiots. We... We cut into tier fifteen into the relationship cake for the second time, right before the wedding." Fionna walked up to Marshall and Gumball, a disgusted look on her face.

"There's only one way to make this better, fellas. You know that, right?"

"Yeah... Yeah. Get it over with." Marshall stuck his head out, and sucked in air as Fionna slapped him very hard across the cheek. He winced and rubbed his cheek. "Ow. Do me twice. Don't hit Bubba." She nodded softly, fine with it. Bubba cried harder, guilty.

"Very well."

"M-Marshall I-I-I'll take a-a slap." Bubba spoke innocently, sadness in his voice, but Marshall waved him off.

"No no. Just hit me again Fi." She does again, even harder, making his cheek sting once more with a vengeance. Bubba rubs Marshall's face and Fionna sighs.

"I guess I feel better but I am mad at you jerk wads! You could have just told me! You know, I'm going now. I have to go lie down or something to clear my head. See ya." She headed off, Cake following right behind her.

Gumball sighed and lead Marshall back into his room. He grabbed a cold press and held it to Marshall's sore cheek with a thankful rub to his other cheek. The tranquility slowly returned to the kingdom as they calmly enjoyed one another's presence. Bubba kissed and pecked him every now and again, and Marshall smiled. They really didn't have much to say. Marshall took the hit for Bubba, knowing how sensitive and fragile his body was. Plus, he had a healing ability that made the pain go away faster. Minutes of the silent embracing passed when Peppermint called from the other side of the door.

"Bubba? I have your nutrition hon."

"Come in, Pepper." He said smoothly. "Maybe you could teach Marshall how to do it."

"Sure!" She said gently after slipping in. She poured a bowl of clear and a bowl of milky liquid into a bag. She hung it from the pole and connected the tube, then showed Marshall the spot to put the needle. "Instead of poking him every time, he had a pick-line of sorts permanently placed in his body. It is very very small." Peppermint Maid showed Marshall the tiny hole on his inner upper arm, and inserted the needle. After, she pulled it away, only a small plastic tube in his arm, connected to a major artery. She allowed the substance to enter his body, and within minutes he looked refreshed and replenished. It was his life source; his food, his fuel, his energy. She gave him some water to drink, and rubbed his back. An embarrassing question popped into Marshall's mind, and a perplexed expression formed on his face. He opened his mouth to ask, but closed it again.

"What is it buddy?" Gumball asked, noticing his expression.

"Um... Obviously you don't... release your bowels..." He blushed. Marshall didn't either. Red was his energy and nutrition, and there was nothing that wasn't used. Only excess water he drank passed out his bladder.


"Do you need help releasing the extra... water? 'Cause your system is all funky? Or does it work okay?" He blushed, feeling really nosey, but it was important to know. If they were to be married, he needed to know all of his partner's weaknesses and needs. Everything that could possibly go wrong, he needed to know.

"Um..." Bubba blushed and bit his lip, trying to think of a good answer. "Not often. Most of the time my bladder functions normally, as it is one of my organs that is mostly of human quality. Occasionally it does malfunction and I need assistance, but rarely."

"Just making sure." Marshall said, rubbing his back under his tee shirt. "I don't ever want you to be embarrassed about your body or the way it functions, alright? I can only imagine how hard it is to be you."

"It isn't easy but I make do. I love you Marshall. Thank you for caring about me so much. It really is appreciated... More than you could ever know." He rubs the back of his neck, smiling peacefully and blushing bashfully. Pepper smiles and rubs Gumball's hand before walking off and leaving the two alone. Bubba leans back in the pillows and Marshall sucks the red from a few fruits before crawling back on the bed. He rested his head on Gumball's lap and closed his eyes. Before they knew it, the two of them were out cold again, comfortable and happy as could be.

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