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a/n I'm doing a small time jump to the wedding so I can hurry and finish this and publish the first few chapters of the sequel.

It was two days before the wedding and zayn was having dinner with his family and zariya tonight, its the first time shes meeting everyone besides just his dad and sisters.

"zariya, we gotta go or we're going to be late" zayn said, she walked out of the bathroom

"ready let's go"

zaynmalik: headed out for some family time, its good to be home

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zaynmalik: headed out for some family time, its good to be home

tagged: zariya

username: aw she's meeting the rest of his family
username: they're honestly so cute
username: I love when zayns home he always seems happier


zariya was always nervous when she was with zayns family, his sisters and mom loved his exes so much she always felt like she couldn't compete even tho they made it a priority to show her that she was welcomed there.

"so who's all coming to dinner tonight?" she asked as they were heading from their hotel to his mothers home

"just my parents, sisters and my aunts and uncles on my moms side you will meet the aunts and uncles on my dads side after the wedding and our honey moon" he told her

15 minutes later they pulled up at his parents house

"Zariya" zayns little sister safaa exclaimed hugging her.

"hey saf" she said, then she went on to greet zayns other sisters waliyha and doniya who gave her a slight hug and then went to hug their brother

dinner later went on without a hitch they had been congratulated on their wedding and had enjoyed time with zayns family laughing at old stories about zayns childhood, everything was perfect until it wasn't.

"so zayn its going to be great to have you and zariya move back here after the wedding, I love having my son closer to home" trish, zayns mother said

everyone at the table agreed but zariya was confused

"moving here? she asked when the hell did they agree they were moving to the U.K

"you didn't know?" doniya asked and the entire table was silent

"no I didn't know, we haven't even discussed our living situation yet, nonetheless if we were going to move halfway across the world. zayn what the hell"

"okay everyone let's go into the theater room downstairs, have a movie night zayn and zariya clearly have something to discuss" yaser said and everyone stood and followed him into the family room downstairs.

"zariya let me explain" he started but she put her hand up stopping him

"explain what? that you made the decision to move us across the world without talking to me about it first? we are getting married who does that" she yelled

"I got a better record deal here in the UK than I got with RCA in america, I'll be making more money and my family is here you seen my mom she's super excited to have me home I don't want to be away from them" he said " I was going to tell you"

"you were going to tell me?" she laughed "when zayn? when were you going to tell me..after I said I do huh? after I'm already stuck with you and I can't disagree with your decision! my family lives in America did you even take a second to think about my feelings, my family and my career?"

"I didn't know you thought marrying me was going to be so suffocating that you feel you're stuck with me" he pushed his chair back and stood up "I'm not doing this tonight, and I'm definitely not doing this with my family around pick a fight with me some other day"

she slammed her hands down on the table and stood up in a similar manner "you think I'm trying to pick a damn fight with you? you want me to move halfway across the damn globe zayn and you didn't even tell me about it! we are doing this and we're going to do it tonight because I don't want to move"

"you have to move we are getting married we aren't going to live thousands of miles away from each other zariya think" he was waving his hands around like he usually did when he was angry and needed to find something to punch

"I am thinking and I'm not going to uproot my life for you zayn, I just can't do it I have my brother and best friends and nieces and sister, I have my life is in the US zayn but your life....your life is clearly here and I won't take that away from you. You can stay here but you'll have to stay here without me" she had tears swelling up in her eyes

"zariya" he whispered "what are you saying"

"I'm saying that I love you more than I love anyone else in my life but I will not put my life on hold for you zayn and I won't let you put yours on hold for me" she told him

"Is this the actual end of us?" he asked "no wedding? us being thousands of miles away from each other"

"Its for the best, if we forced the other to stay somewhere they didn't want to be we wouldn't be happy and I just want you to be happy"

"zariya I'm happy with you" he said grabbing her hands pulling her towards him

"and I'm happy with you zayn, but the peak of our happiness is going to fall when one of us is forced to stay somewhere where they aren't happy doing something they aren't happy doing" she hugged him and kissed his cheek "tell your parents I'm sorry for ruining dinner and that the weddings off and I'm sorry if they all hate me"

"I'm sorry it would never work between us, but I love you zariya more than I love anyone"

"I love you too, I'm heading back to the hotel and I'm on the next flight out. Stay here with your family and build your career, I'm super proud of you" she kissed his cheek grabbed her purse and the keys to the car and headed out.

and that was the last time zariya had seen zayn outside of anywhere or anything that wasn't a magazine or award show.

sequel will most likely be posted tomorrow its called "scared" its based off the song by zendaya :)

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