I hate being set up

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Chapter 2


I was truly annoyed with Haley right now. She knows that I hate being set up on a date. So for her to do this to me is unforgivable. All that I really wanted to do tonight, was to see Love After Death. I've been waiting for this movie to come out... Ever since I read the book that it's adapted from. Then Haley had to ruin it by setting me up on a date with her twin brother, Johnny.

"Zoey stop sulking your going to make Johnny think that you don't want him to be here..." Haley says to me.

'Well, I don't want him to be here. You tricked me Haley.' I think to myself as I fiddle with my silver pendant necklace between my fingers as we wait in line.

"You look beautiful Zoey." Johnny whispers into my ear. I couldn't help but blush when he said that. He was right though.

As I stand here in my light-blue shorts, with a black sports bra and a white baggy tank top with my white sweater. If I had known Haley's plan, then I would've worn something different, I don't want Johnny to think there is something there between us. The truth is I only see him as a brother and nothing more.

"So what is this movie about?" Mark Haley's boyfriend asks.

"It's a zombie movie..." Haley says.

"Well that's a weird title for a zombie movie," Mark says. When he said that I got a little irritated.

"It's not a zombie movie... It's a movie about love and how powerful it is. That not even death could keep soul mates apart from each other." I say with some attitude in my voice.

"Oh man you mean this is a chick flick," Mark whines.

"No babe it's a zombie movie I swear." Haley says to him while glares at me.

"So Zoey what is the story about then, I mean since we're still waiting in line." Johnny asks. I have no problem talking about it since it is my favorite book, and I'm hoping my favorite movie.

"It's a story about a girl named Primrose, but everybody just calls her Rosie. Now the story starts with her and her boyfriend Scott, leaving their schools winter dance. Then on their way home they drive right into a snow storm. Which caused Scott to lose control of his car crash it. Now Scott survived, but he had to watch as Rosie slowly died right in front of him." I tell Johnny.

"Ok Haley where is the zombie stuff at, this just sounds like one big chick flick." Mark whines again. I was going to tell him to get lost, but Haley put her hand over his mouth and gestured for me to continue so I do.

"OK so after Rosie's death Scott is having survivor's guilt, and everyone blames him for her death. Rosie sees what is happening to him. However, she also sees that if he, doesn't forgive himself, then he will be condemning his soul to hell. So she breaks out of heaven and resurrects her body and becomes a 'zombie'." I finish by putting my hands up in quotations around the word zombie.

"Wow it sounds amazing Zoey." Johnny says. I smile and nod my head, but out of the corner of my eye. I could see Haley with the biggest grin on her face, like some how this would be the start of our own romantic story. I just don't get why it's so important that me, and Johnny become a couple to her.

As we stand there I can hear the crowd of people coming out of the theater, as the line starts to move. I'm jumping with excitement that the movie I've been waiting six years for this movie...

As we take our seats, I still keep fiddling with my silver pendant necklace. I look down at it as it is between my fingers. It was in the shape of a crescent moon with a small moon stone in the middle.

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