Ch 6: Change of Pace

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     I yawned as I woke up. The sun was up blaring in my face making me groan softly. I looked at the clock and turned it off seeing I had five minutes until I had to be up for work and the infernal thing would start its annoying beeping. I then proceeded to sigh and snuggle back into my bed. It was then I felt shifting under me and I opened my eyes again to find I was laying on Obito's bare chest.

     I sighed then let out a soft squeal when he pulled me closer to him. His grip was tight but I slipped out of it and gave him a pillow instead. I giggled as I watched him with a smile.


     I blushed lightly hearing him whisper my name. I just sighed and grabbed a random dress to wear to work. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, sighing when the water turned to just the right temperature.

     I didn't stay in long, just long enough to wash myself and my hair. I sighed as I brushed my hair seeing the black was becoming more prominent; brushing it was the last thing I had to do then I'd be ready. I shook my head and patted down the fabric of my black dress. The red ruffle skirt on the dress reached my knees and went well with my red jacket and red flats.

     I walked out of the bathroom, smiling when I saw Obito asleep still curled up with the pillow. I quietly slipped out of my room and looked around finding Sasori in my art room working on what seemed to be a puppet then Kura and Cheshire along with Konan sitting around in the combined kitchen and dining room. I nodded to them and grabbed sausage, pancake mix, and eggs. Since I was the only one that actually cooked I decided to make everyone a big breakfast.

     I jumped when Zetsu popped up out of the wall beside me. I glared as they chuckled.

     "If you are going to be here then help me," I said to them as I shoved a bowl and the pancake mix into their hands.

     Zetsu looked at me in confusion then phased out of the wall to stand beside me as they looked at the ingredients they needed. I smiled when they actually started to gather everything. They had seen me many times before cooking when they were in the kitten form. They and Kakuzu were always watching me in the kitchen so they both knew their way around.

     I started to cook the sausage in a pan as I scrambled the eggs in a large bowl. I would need a lot to feed everyone. I looked over to see how Zetsu was doing to find them right behind me making me jump in fright.

     "Damn it Zetsu! Quit scaring me like that!" I yelled as I playfully pushed their shoulder.

     They just smirked and looked at the sausage. Zetsu smiled and I frowned realizing what they were going to do. "Not until breakfast is all ready!" I told them as I put myself in between them and the sausage as I narrowed my eyes.

     Zetsu shrugged and before I could block them, they grabbed one and ate it. I glared at them but they just went back to the pancakes. I smiled and soon we were done. Unfortunately Zetsu left right after their job was done leaving me to do everything.

     "Need help?"

     I turned around in surprise and smiled seeing Itachi holding plates with a small smile of his own. "Thanks!" I smiled. Soon enough everyone was eating and enjoying themselves. They were all shocked at the amount of food since there was so much but they were all happy. It's not like they'd complain about having a lot of food to eat, especially Kisame and Kura.

     I sighed when it came time for me to leave for work. Cheshire and I headed to the door and stopped hearing footsteps.

     "Where is Kitten-chan and Chesh-chan going?" Obito asked in his annoying Tobi voice.

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