Chapter 3

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I sighed as I unlocked my locker and took out my books for the last two sessions, they were English and French. I worked to french with a smile on my face; after all French was my favorite, best subject in school.

Time skip apporté à vous par beaucoup et beaucoup de trucs français et la tour Eiffel!

I squealed with happiness when I got out from school, after all my parents were going away for the weekend! Oh, did I mention it was Friday? Well anyway this means that I will get to have time with my precious little brother, AND my precious best friend. Could this day get any better? To answer that question, It could only get worse. When I got home I immediately knew something was wrong, my parents car was still here which meant they hadn't left yet. I knew how much they were looking forward to this trip and would have wasted no time taking off, whats more is I could still see all the stuff packed in the back of the car. I rushed to the door and tried the handle, to my utter surprise it was unlocked. I opened it and entered quietly; what I saw inside would scar me forever. . .

Hi Guys! Sorry it took a while to update. ONLY 6 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY EARLY SHITMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

227  words


Third Chapter

-Word Count 235

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