Chapter 2

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Hey guys, I'm just gonna warn you that I did this very late, and I just took my contact lenses out so my vision is blurry and I'm all dizzy. I repeat this is not proof read. 

I sighed as i walked down the path, I hated school. it was even worse cause I had to use heaps of make-up to cover all the bruises; I seriously felt like I was wearing a mask.

"Hey Jayla!!!!!!!!" Screamed my best friend Emily.

"Hey Em," I replied playfully.

She was the best friend a person could ever ask for, I've known her since Kindy and she's the easiest person to get along with. She knows about all my family issues and she supports me, which I'm really thankful for. She has light brown shoulder-length hair with purple highlights. Her eyes are a clear blue and she wears completely natural make-up. Her outfit usually consists of ripped navy skinny jeans, a tank top and blue slip-ons.

A little bit about myself;

I have waist length black hair with blue highlights, my eyes are a dark black and I normally wear black eyeliner and pink lip-gloss but that's about it. My out-fits are mainly black skinny jeans, high heeled black boots, a belly top and a leather jacket. People give me crap about being an emo, i normally just ignore them. Who are they too judge, I mean its normally the jocks who are self-centered idiots who play to much sport and the sluts who wear basically nothing with way too much make-up on. I mean seriously, is it that hard to get your shit together and actually live a life?

Anyway where was i? Oh yeah, Emily practically jumped on me, causing me to drop all my goddamn books everywhere.

"Emily" i pretty much growled,

"Oops, sorry Jay," She apologized helping me pick them up.

"Don't call me that!" I shrieked smacking the back of her head angrily.

She giggled and flicked my forehead, 'Whatever Jay," She emphasized the 'Jay'

I decided to just let it go, and we continued on our way to school. Little did I realize that today was gonna be one of the worst days of my Life.

Hey guys, I hope that was okay, anyway bye

391 words.


Second Chapter

Random SadnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora