Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1-

I screamed as I felt my ribs getting crushed, tears streamed down my face as my vision was fringed with black. The last thing I saw before I lost conscious was my little brother screaming, trying to help me. Our mother held him back, as Father gave me my punishment. How could my own flesh and blood do this to us? Was my last thought before my brain shut down.

When I woke, I groaned feeling my sore and protesting body ache as I sat up. I surveyed my surroundings carefully, noticing I was back in my room. My room isn't very interesting, just a small cupboard with a few haphazard blankets and an ancient wooden box. Inside the wooden box were several compartments, in one was my precious jewelry, in another was a small pocket knife, and in the largest was filled with some sweets from when I was younger. Under my inflatable little pillow was a first-aid kit I had taken from the bathroom. Our parents didn't even know it was there, I pried open the first-aid kit and took out some disinfectant and band-aids. I was used to cleaning my wounds and feeling pain but I still yelped as the disinfectant came in contact with my open wounds. I looked at my chest and sighed when I saw the large purple bruises, I was sure I had a few broken ribs, but it wasn't new and I knew that they would heal; it would just take time. I looked at the time on my cute little alarm clock my brother had given me, it was very late so I carefully snuck out of my room into the lounge. We had a big house, and it was very beautiful; too bad I only got to enjoy the cupboard of it.

Hey guys, well that was chapter 1, I hope you liked it.

Anyway byeee. 323Words


This is the first chapter from Naomi's book

-Word Count 334

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