"Mama..." Ruhi called and patted her papa's chest asking him to set her down. Once he did she ran to her momma and asked her to wear white stiletto pumps. She kicked the black shoes at two ends and took the pointed heel shoes from the shoe stand by holding the heels and thrust to her momma.

"Matchie, mama" Ruhi wanted her momma to match with them by wearing something in white. Madhu looked down at her black dress then at the white shoes and sighing she slipped her legs into those shoes as she knew arguing with Ruhi will be a waste effort. Rk took Ruhi's hand in his and with other hand he held Madhu's waist. She gasped when he gently squeezed her hip.

"You are wearing killer heels and I don't want you to totter..." Rk tried to reason her for holding her back but she cuts him off saying "I know how to walk wearing high heels so you better keep your hand to yourself." She hissed swatting his hand off her and walked ahead swaying her hips showing attitude. Rk smirked as his eyes fell on her pretty little ass. "This view is much better." Rk muttered to himself.

"Papa... walkie" Ruhi pulled his hand making him walk rather standing still like a statue.

"Yes, Darling" Rk saluted and followed Ruhi and Madhu to the elevator.


"I think she would like purple and white color theme for her birthday... we can do all the decorations in purple and white be it the balloons or flowers. What say?" Rk suggested to Madhu as they went through the baby gowns.

"Hmm... I like the idea. Then we will find some purple color dress for her."

"Yeah, we will get all the dresses we like for her and also let her choose some for herself."

"She don't know to select"

"Whatever she touches it's hers"

"You are spoiling her." Madhu scolded him. Rk ignored her and looked for some more pretty dresses.

"We will keep the purple dress for cake cutting time."

"Okay" Madhu agreed and showed Rk a purple mermaid dress. "How is it?"

"She can hardly walk with her wobbly legs, Madhu. Get something short which will fit her height."

"No! Short frock will be so simple. I want something grand and heavy. May be a fluffy floor length gown with many layers." She explained the picture of the dress she had in her mind. "Won't you like that Ruhi?" Madhu turned and look at the chair where she made her daughter sit but it was empty now.

"Where is Ruhi?" Madhu asked Rk.

"What? She was with you, right? I was checking the gowns in the rack..." Rk frantically looked around the shop to find his baby girl.

"Ruhi!" Madhu called out for her as she ran in search of her. Rk quickly went to the security guards in the entrance of the shop and asked them about his little girl but they said they didn't see any little girl walking out. Rk asked them to keep an eye and not to let any little girl of 2 years in black and white dress out of the shop.

"Excuse me, did you see a small girl in black and white stripped frock? My daughter. She was sitting there in the chair but now she is missing. Can you please check the CC TV footage and spot her?" Rk asked the sales girl. He knew his daughter was safe somewhere in the shop only as his heart said so but still he wanted to alert the shop members in advance so that he can easily track down his precious baby. He didn't want to think all the negative possibilities like Ruhi being hurt or kidnapped. He kept his mind positive and silently prayed to the God to show him his daughter soon.

"Monsieur, I saw a little girl walking towards the trial room." The sale girl said in a heavy French accent. Rk muttered his thanks and raced towards the changing room.

Baby Daddy (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now