A groan escaped in response.


"Where are we going?" she asked as they drove by blurry trees.

"We are headed to my house, where I grew up. Mom wanted you to come over to live with us" Daniel answered eyes on the road. His voice firm and void of emotions.

She nodded. Daniel's mom seemed to be a lively woman judging from the times she'd been over to see her at the hospital. But her son was a different story all together, he was-she didn't want to say difficult but he was hard to read. That was for sure. He felt like a ticking time bomb to be around, she could almost hear the ticking of the timer whenever he was around her.

The car pulled to a stop in front of a yellow house, there was a small patch of green grass growing in front of it. It had a homely feel. Daniel ran to her side opening the door and extending a hand. She stared at the hand offered suspiciously making him drop it and she got down on her own doing her best to avoid bumping her left arm in a sling.

Daniel moved to the pick the little bag containing the clothes she wore when she was knocked down with the drugs the doctor had prescribed for her. His mom had gotten her a new dress, her free hand smoothed down the green short sleeved dress to try to remove the wrinkles. Her feet were adorned in sparkling golden slippers.

A little girl ran out of the house into Daniel who dropped the bag and picked her small frame up twirling her around.

"Who missed me?" he asked laughing, leaving her to wonder how the man could laugh, he had never smiled before. At least not around her.

"I did!" the little girl yelled.

"I can't hear you"

"I did!" she yelled even louder amidst giggles.

Daniel stopped the twirling pressing a kiss to her cheeks, "No, I missed you more princess". She stood watching them till Mrs. Asamoah appeared.

"Danny, why are you keeping her standing? Her poor legs might be aching now" she scolded him.

"It's okay I'm fine" she told them. But Mrs Asamoah wasn't taking it and quickly ushered her inside, leaving Daniel to carry the small carry on bag in one hand as he supported the little girl with the other arm.

"You must be tired right? You can take a nap in your room if you want"

She opened her mouth to deny that she was tired when a pregnant woman walked into the room holding a ladle so she guessed she was from the kitchen.

"Hi I'm Rhoda!" she said pulling her into a quick embrace. "And you are?"

She looked at the smiling pregnant woman, "I don't know"

"Oh I'm sorry" she said apologetically as her smile fell before shooting a look towards Daniel.

"It's okay" she said to her. Daniel was still carrying the little girl who was staring at her, the stranger who was being fussed about in her home, her face half hidden by Daniel's shirt.

"Well let's not keep you. Off to your room you go" Mrs Asamoah said taking the bag from Daniel.

"But she doesn't know where it is mom" Rhoda spoke up.

The older woman laughed at her forgetfulness, "Age can do a lot of things to you, I didn't know forgetting things was part of its' job, follow me dear" she joked.

She was led into a room with walls painted green. There was a bed pushed into a corner with a side table which had huge books on it right in front of the window, it had been strategically placed right in the middle of the window, a wardrobe was opposite the bed with a door by the side.

"That door leads to the bathroom if you need to use it" Mrs Asamoah pointed out to her after she had put the bag inside the wardrobe.

She nodded, "Thank you"

"I'll leave you now dear get some rest, you deserve it" Mrs Asamoah excused herself and left.

She climbed into the bed after removing her flats and fell asleep dreaming she was walking into a room where she saw a man and a woman with their hands entwined. They were both wearing smug smiles. Almost looking satisfied. Just as they were turning to look at her, everything went black.

Hello people...Confidence here.
Chapter 4 is served:)

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Ko si se me te monka...stay blessed.

*(btw ko si se me te monka means till I hear from you;) )*

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