Chapter 25: Arguments, with Tsunbunny and Kou,ft. Reiji and Ruki

Start from the beginning

"Lewd wo "

"That is for you to hear this pickup line I made." I interrupted.

"Fine." I took out one of his earbuds, and he glared. I smiled like I didn't do anything in wrong.

I got up and posed dramatically, " You may fall from the sky..." *changes pose, "You fall from a tree..."

*last pose *"But the best way to fall-

Is in love with me."

I finished bending down gesturing a hand to him. You may fall from the sky , you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me. DAMN, I'm way smoooothh!

He closed his eyes and put his earbuds back on, " Why fall in love when you can fall asleep." He said drifting off.

"Party Pooper! I was only playing."

"Now that you've wasted my time, you owe me." Shu said.

"Pshh. No." I left him there, at least he looked a little happier... wait what the hell am I doing? Why would I want him to be happier?!

I walked through the halls and saw Kou talking to a group of girls. Then he saw me. It looked like he was going to call out me but then someone grabbed me and pulled me out of his view. It was Subaru. He glared angrily. I ignored it,

"Hey! I missed you Subaru-kun!" Then I hugged him. He pulled back quickly and dragged me or should I say teleported to the roof.

" He pushed me against the bars of the roof and trapped me between his arms.

"Is it your choice?" He asked. I didn't understand. I mean shit, you can't just asked questions like that, how the hell am I supposed to understand.

"Are you staying with them because you want to?!" He yelled angrily. I didn't say anything. Sure the Mukami Household is much more hospitable, but Yui was with the Sakamaki's.

I looked down a bit but spoke, "I'm not going to lie to you Subaru-kun, I am staying there because I want to." 

He looked down, disappointed and betrayed.

"WHY?!!" He screamed at me leaning closer to my face pushing, me even more against the bars.

"Don't pull that bullshit on me!" I shouted.

"WHY YOU ASK?! BECAUSE IT'S NOT LIKE YOU GUYS EVEN WANT ME BACK!" I continued. They didn't really care I was gone, so that's why I didn't bother on trying to come back.

" The only damn person who looked for me after I was kidnapped was fucking Ayato!"

"SO QUIT ACTING LIKE YOU CARE I LEFT! IF YOU REALLY CARED YOU WOULD HAVE COME AFTER ME!!!" I yelled tears pouring out my eyes. He doesn't care, so why is he acting like he does. Between the two of us, it's only me cares for him.

" I DIDN'T COME AFTER YOU BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD COME BACK FOR ME! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD SHOW ME THAT WOMEN AREN'T HARD TO UNDERSTAND. I THOUGHT YOU me how to love..." Subaru trailed looking down. I never dreamed of the day my Tsunbunny would say something like this.

"Is that what you wanted Subaru? You wanted me to teach you how to love?" I asked holding his shirt. He didn't reply right away but looked into my eyes.

"Damn Sweet Talker... Why do you make me feel this wa"

*Clap*...*Clap*...*Clap...I heard slow clapping. Subaru and I turned our heads and we saw Kou.

"Get the fuck out Kou. You're ruining the moment!" I told him. 

"Eh~ Subaru-kun, I didn't know you loved (Y/)-chan." Kou said his eye flashing red.


"Well if won't say you want her then I'll just take her!~" Kou said pulling me out of Subaru's grasp. Subaru didn't do anything.

"Okay! I'll just take C Neko-chan!~" Kou was dragging me, but then Subaru took my hand.

He pulled me back and bit into my shoulder. After taking some blood he pulled back and pointed to mark on my shoulder. Fucking shit, why didn't I see this coming! Dammit I had one job and that was not to get bit.

"See this mark?! That means she's mine!!!" Tsunbunny pulled back.

"Huh~ What mark?" Kou asked, then he swiftly took me out of Subarus grasp and bit down exactly where he bit, but his fangs dug in deeper.

"Agh! That hurts stop!" I cried out in pain.

" You fucking prick! YOU'RE SO DEAD!" Subaru raised his fists, ready to beat the shit out of Kou when someone had entered the scene.

"Shouldn't you all be in class?" Two people said at the same time. It was Ruki and Reiji. They glared at each other. Holy shit the greatest showdown of history.

"Eh~ no fun!" Kou disappeared, but before he did he whispered something in my ear,

" I won't let them have you." Subaru left angrily, probably gonna take out his anger by knocking down a couple of trees. 

"I'll be going now." I said avoiding them, but before I could leave completely I heard Ruki say something.

"When we get home, you better be expecting punishment." Ruki said to me. I was about to complain, but then Reiji spoke,

"Who ever said she was going home with you?" Reiji said, pushing his glasses up.

Deciding not to get in another argument I left secretly to music class.

A/n; WOOH! 3k reads! Thank you guys so much!~ Please vote, comment, and  follow! Like always thank you for reading. I'll see ya guys later!~


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