❁Judge Application❁

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[CURRENTLY OPEN, but there are only 2 spots available!]

Hello!  Flower Writing Contests (us) is looking for awesome judges to join the team!  If you're interested in applying, then you've come to the right place.


- Our judges are dedicated Wattpad users who are open minded to reading a variety of stories and genres.

- They are added to a Skype group chat together with the owner to discuss the positives and negatives about our monthly contest entries, and help in the decision making process.

- The judges also work as "helpers" who can reply to questions or concerns that haven't yet been answered by the owner in the Wattpad comment section of this book/anywhere on our profile.


- You must be at least 12 years old.

- You must understand that this is only a "just for fun" activity (NOT an actual paying job).  It's something you are VOLUNTEERING to spend time with (but don't think it's going to be like a book club, which takes quite a bit of dedication...  just remember:  there's only 1 or 2 contests per month, so don't freak out.)

- You must have been actively using Wattpad for at least a month (if you aren't sure, check your profile; it tells you how long ago you joined.)

- You must have your own active and accessible Skype account that can appropriately communicate (just messaging, NOT calling) with I, the Flower Writing Contests owner, and the other 2-5 judges.

- As a judge, you may not participate in any of our contests. It's only fair.

- You may not release any contest entail to ANYONE - meaning, who we pick and who we don't is up to us and you do not need to release any of that information, even if it's to your trusted Wattpad BFF.  When the time comes, I will announce the winner(s) here.

- Be mature.  I shouldn't have to explain this one. 

- Be responsible.  Keep up-to-date with the Skype group chat.  (I will only send reminders and messages maybe once per week, so it shouldn't be that hard.)  Check the comments on this book every couple of days, and see if you can help some folks out :)

- Don't let anyone bribe you.  Nobody should be, but if they do, let me know, and they will be automatically banned permanently from entering our contests and immediately blocked from this account. 

- Don't use this as an opportunity to cheat.  Basically, do not apply only to choose your best friend and help them win or because they asked you to.  (Or your other account.) And if someone you know happens to join the contest, don't just choose their story because of that fact, especially if it's not the one you wanted to.  Remember, our results are a GROUP decision, so you do not have to feel bad about not picking them. :)


- Know that we will NOT refer to you as your real name, but rather your FLOWER name (which I will give you).

- Your age, real name, Skype, and other personal information will NEVER be released to anyone.  Do not worry.

- Please be prepared to add the owner on Skype ASAP if you get a reply to your PM application.


➡️FLOWER WRITING CONTESTS JUDGE APPLICATION (please fill it out all in one messsage, and send it to me via Wattpad PM.) **DO NOT COMMENT YOUR APPLICATION, OR IT WILL BE IGNORED.**  The application goes as follows:

1) Your Wattpad username.


2) Your current age, as of today.


3) Your Skype (whatever I search to find you).


4) How long ago does your profile say you joined Wattpad?


5) Grade yourself on your Wattpad activeness by the following letter

[ A ] I am online Wattpad for long periods of time daily.

[ B ] I'm online a good amount; just about every other day for at least 20-30 minutes.

[ C ] I'm online sometimes, but not daily. Like 2-3 times a week, and not for very long. But I try to come on when I can.

[ D ] I'm online maybe once a week, if even that. I'm notorious for busy schedules.

[ F ] I'm hardly online!


6) How would you consider your everyday/weekly schedule?

[ A ] Not very busy. I'm typically free, unless something important comes up.

[ B ] It's a little bumpy, but I still manage to keep up to date with Wattpad when I can!

[ C ] I am involved in several activities (sports, after-school clubs/groups, family events, etc.). I am able to come on sometimes, but it isn't guaranteed!

[ D ] Lots of things come up unexpectedly and add on to my already-lively schedule. I'll probably hardly be online.

[ F ] Entirely chaotic! Little to no chances of me coming online.


7) Have you read and agreed to all of the rules, requirements, and information listed above? 


Thank you for applying!  If you have any questions, feel free to PM them with your application (or without it).

Keep in mind that it isn't a guarantee of your acceptance.  For now, I'll likely only take a maximum of 4 judges, and when we need more, I'll let you know.  I'm looking for someone dedicated (for the minimal number of times we'll actually communicate/message), mature (for their age), and active on both their Wattpad and Skype accounts.


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