Seven: The Brewing Storm

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Con #3: he didn't see a way out if he wanted to escape. Climbing over the fence seemed pointless now that everyone knew how he got in. He'd have a look around later to see if there were any weak points.

"So? Did you decide if you were staying or going?" Alec asked again.

"I may need to think more on it over breakfast. Having a bit of food in me might help the whole thinking process," Magnus nodded. "Is that okay with your Inquisitor?"

Alec scratched his head. "Uh, I guess? She's a bit of a wild card. Never know what kind of mood she's in most days."

"That's like most women. And men too....." Magnus gave Alec the once over. "You don't seem like you're starving."

Alec finally noticed that Magnus was staring at his body, so he subconsciously crossed his arms over his chest. "What? Why do you say that?"

Magnus flexed an arm. "You're built. Your bicep bulges when you bend your arm. Do you work out?"

Alec scoffed. "I think you're asking questions that are a little personal, don't you think?"

"Not at all. On the contrary, I'm curious. Everyone else looks like they're on the brink of starvation. Meanwhile...." Magnus eyed Alec again. The raven haired man looked so subconscious of himself that Magnus wanted to laugh. Alec wasn't much taller than he was, but the other man was slouched to make himself appear smaller. "I think I know your secret, Alexander. The secret as to why your family look so different from everyone else here."

Alec clenched his jaw. "Just drop it. If you know what's good for you-"

"You're hoarding food, aren't you? I know a hoarder when I see one."

Alec grabbed Magnus by the arm and dragged him over to a large oak tree. Someone had shouted "Yeah Alec teach him a lesson!" but Alec ignored them. "Look. I sneak out sometimes and I set traps in the woods. Traps that nobody knows about. Whatever I catch, I bring home to my family."

Magnus smirked. "That explains why you're buff. You're getting the right intake to keep up with the muscle mass. Clever. But why are you sneaking it? Why not just ask for some meat or other food when you're hungry?"

Alec shook his head. "Can't. Not allowed. We ration everything to the point where we have the next two years planned out. The Inquisitor is very strict when it comes to this kind of stuff."

They both fell quiet when a couple passed by. Alec nodded to them. He knew who they were; they were Clary's parents, Luke and Joceyln. He waited until they passed before speaking again. "I advise you to choose your words wisely when talking to the Inquisitor. You don't want to make her angry."

"Why, she'll turn green and start smashing things?" Magnus laughed at Alec's expression. "So serious, Alec. God. Lighten up. The world might be overrun by zombies but you're still allowed to joke every now and then."

Alec closed his eyes when Magnus punched him lightly on the shoulder. "I don't have time to joke around. There's work to be done and people to protect. I'll joke when I'm dead."

As he walked away, Magnus cringed. He had to find a way to get Alec to cheer up a bit. So he did what he always did best. "Knock knock."

Alec stopped walking, turning around and raising a condescending eyebrow. "Are you serious right now?"

"Knock knock, asshole."

Alec sighed in defeat. "Who's there?"

"Owls say."

Alec knew what was coming but his stupid self answered anyway. "Owls say who?"

"Exactly!" Magnus snorted. Alec, on the other hand, never cracked a smile. "Oh forget it. Lead me to this Inquisitor before I lose my damn mind."

Left For Dead [malec fanfiction] [complete]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin