Seven: The Brewing Storm

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Morning came. Magnus woke up with the usual aches and pains but quickly shook them off as he stepped outside. His neighbors were walking down the street, merrily talking to one another. When they saw Magnus step outside they immediately grew quiet. Magnus waved happily at them but they didn't wave back. Rude. He was only trying to be a good neighbor.

"Sleep well?" said a voice.

Magnus turned to see Alec seated on the swing hanging from his front porch, peeling an apple with a pocketknife. "Slept decently, I suppose. Can't say it was the greatest sleep ever. Kept waking up and expected to hear Forsaken growls outside the window."

Alec looked up at him. "I can assure you that this town is very fortified. We check our walls every week. We haven't had an incident in a long time."

"You've had an incident before? Well that's comforting to hear."

"It was before my family and I got here. I heard a story that one of the walls were rusted and some Forsaken got in. Killed a lot of good people. Or so I heard." Alec bit into the apple and chewed. "Want some breakfast? They're making oatmeal today. If we get there early they'll sprinkle some sugar on top."

Magnus rolled his eyes. "Oh I'm so excited. Let's go before it's all gone."

Alec smiled crookedly and jumped up from the swing and trotted down the small pathway. "Max was asking about you this morning, which kind of surprised me to be honest."

"Considering I held him at knifepoint? I'm surprised too." Magnus sneered at a passing resident, which made them walk faster. "What did he say?"

"He wanted to know if you're a convict," Alec laughed. His laugh sounded breathless and whimsical, very unlike his rugged appearance which Magnus drank in like water. Black skinny jeans tucked into a pair of black boots and a light grey long sleeved shirt that clung to his lean muscled frame which was unbuttoned at the top, revealing a bit of chest hair.

Magnus inhaled and had to look away to clear his head. "And what did you tell him?"

Alec shrugged. "What could I tell him? I couldn't tell him you used to be an office worker and then later discover I was completely wrong about you. What if you are a convict?"

Magnus snorted. "Trust me. If I wanted you killed, you'd be dead already."

Alec said nothing in response to this. He was finished eating his apple by now and was just twirling the core around in his hands as they walked side by side. "The Inquisitor expects an answer today. What are you going to tell her?"

Magnus sighed. Since he actually didn't do much sleeping last night, he had a chance to think about whether he should stay or leave Alicante. He weighed out his pros and cons:

Pro #1: this place was well stocked. At least now if he wanted to run away at some point, he knew where they kept their food. Weapons were another story that he'd have to figure out later.

Pro #2: he actually had a home. Despite the fact he completely ignored the bedroom altogether last night, at least it was warm and safe.

Pro #3: in conjunction with pro #1, he didn't have to scrounge around looking for food. No more eating corn from a tin when this community hunted and brought home game.

Con #1: he didn't know anybody here aside from Alec and his scary sister and psychotic little brother. His neighbors didn't seem all that friendly but he hoped that would change if he stayed.

Con #2: they took his weapons. Where they took them he had no idea but he needed his butterfly knife back. It had sentimental value and he didn't want to lose it.

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