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THE sky above Yavin IV was thick with spacecrafts by the time the ship finally reached the Rebel outpost

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THE sky above Yavin IV was thick with spacecrafts by the time the ship finally reached the Rebel outpost. Sleek metal bodies swarmed like angry hornets over the humid jungles, the thrum of engines buzzing like a distant storm. Soldiers, wielding rifles as long as Kit's arm, ushered high-profile aristocrats across the sun-bleached tarmac without so much as a backwards glance towards the Imperial cargo ship seated squarely in the middle of the runway.

The mismatched ensemble of Rebel's and runaways were gathered on the boarding ramp of the Imperial cruiser while Cassian spoke with the inspection crew at the bottom, working on a way to get them all inside. Bodhi, Chirrut and Baze were to be interviewed by Alliance intelligence while Jyn, Kit and Cassian went to the council meeting. Baze had argued against an interrogation, but Chirrut was a strange way of coercing his partner into agreeing with the Alliance's terms.

Kit stood with her arms crossed, leaning against the metal doorframe while Jyn spoke in a low tone with the Chirrut. Bodhi looked overwhelmed, his dark eyes continually darting between the incoming Council ships.

"Is that a Firefeather starcutter?" the former Imperial asked, pointing to a pinprick of gleaming black on the horizon, the ship's streamlined body whistling as it darted through Yavin's humid air. Kit nodded, the ghost of an impressed smile crossing her lips.

"They're really rare," Bodhi sounded almost as awe-struck as he was nervous, and Kit felt a small spark of admiration at the former-Imperial's knowledge of starships. "Someone important must be on board."

"Yeah well you don't get on the Council without money, guns or influence," she pointed out, and the pilot laughed in a fleeting burst of anxiety. Kit readjusted the crude attempt at a crutch beneath her arm to release the pressure on her flesh leg.

"I'm sorry about Galen," Bodhi said to fill the void between them.

Kit looked up, surprised. "Me too," she said eventually.

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