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( GHOST. )

there can be no peace for us.

KITRA ERSO was war made into flesh, moulded by a lifetime of rebellion, her soft skin marred with the scars of a life she couldn't chose

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KITRA ERSO was war made into flesh, moulded by a lifetime of rebellion, her soft skin marred with the scars of a life she couldn't chose. at sixteen she was rescued by the rebellion after she was left for dead by her sister, and chose to forge a home amongst the ranks of the alliance as a pilot.

THREE YEARS later and kit finds herself caught up in a mission to enlist the rebel-gone-rogue who raised her; saw gerrera, and somehow finds herself entangled in a plot to steal the plans for the empire's doomsday weapon; the death star.

history has its eyes on you.

 — history has its eyes on you

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ghost ― rogue oneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant