What I have him do is to write the words on the paper and cast the jutsu onto the paper. And when Tenten reads the last line, the jutsu will automatically connect to her. Allowing Makoto to manipulate her. Although it'll only last about five minutes.

"Tenten, stop right now! You're disrupting the class! The teacher shouted. She kept right now going as she tries to explain to the teacher, "it's not me! Honestly, something is controlling me." The class just keeps laughing at the foolish student as my eyes follow her around the room, evil grinning silently behind my book. Then my eyes widened when I saw Neji turning his head towards me. I can't let him see me like this!

I reached over and grabbed Makoto's arm and made him mess up causing Tenten to pause where she was and ran back to her seat. That was close. One more move and Neji would've caught me. Tenten looked back at the students behind her as I hid my face with the book.

"Ms. Tenten, called consider yourself having detention." The teacher said as the girl growled and tried to point the blame, "but, that wasn't my fault. You see, this note said that--" before she could show the note, the note was already gone. It was just ashes and dust. Makoto's note disintegrated as soon as the jutsu was cast.

"Where did it go?" Tenten asked as she searched around the desk, "I know it was right here!"

"Ms. Tenten. Please be seated and quiet." The teacher said as Tenten plopped on her seat. This is going to be the most exciting day of my life. There is more where these tricks are coming from.

🕑🕔🕒🕠🕓🕠TIME SKIP🕔🕞🕔🕓🕔🕓🕠

Now it's our second  period class. I was taking a seat next to Neji like yesterday as I couldn't help it but to look behind me and saw Tenten talking to her friends about what happened. I'm even surprised they could get near her after that. Point me.

"That was a strange event, wasn't it?" Neji asked. I turned back around to him, not paying attention to her, "do you have something to do with that?"

"What? You're just blaming me because of what happened yesterday. I'm over that now. And besides, something tells me that you enjoyed that." I pointed my eyes to him. He saw that gleam in my eye and turned away.

"What we you talking about? Are you saying that you did it?" Neji questioned, "that would make a lot of sense, you know."

"What evidence do you have? I had nothing to do with it. Even if I did you would've known from the start and wouldn't start the conversation." I chirped, "just to push your buttons, if you really don't like her but always want to talk to me, does that mean you like me?"

"What?! Don't be silly, of course I don't. It's something that my clan would never do. Like an Uchiha. What part of 'we are supposed to be enemies' don't you understand?" Neji looked away as some pink started to appear on his face. Blush?!

"Yeah. Totally weird. I wonder who would do that?" I asked myself, "whoever it was most know his way around the class. I didn't even see the note get passed." I said he only because point at one of the boys in the classroom and Neji wouldn't think it was me. Or, at least I think he won't.

"Yeah. I have a few suspects in mind. Not that I care or anything. I just like to put myself in a mystery." He folded his arms, "if you have anything, please let me know." Typical Neji. Always wants to find out about everything. Reminds me of ten years ago when something happens to the other kids he would blame me for it. Not my fault that they keep picking on me.

The teacher comes into the classroom for science. I've been studying for the longest time on this subject. With a little help from Kimo, I've been able to come up with good answers for the   I know that Tenten likes to answer all of the questions like she's in a competition. Well then, lets have one shall we?

"Alright class, today will be a review quiz to test on what you know so far." The teacher said, "now can anyone tell me what is keratin?"

I looked over at Kimo who was nodding his head at me. I smiled, this is going to be an exciting yet long day. But for now, I'll let Tenten have this one, not that she knows that I know or anything. Just that I want to see the look on her face when I know all of the answers.

"Keratin is the substance that is in hair and nails." Tenten raised for her seat all proudly. The teacher kept the same face on and asked he the next question. Of course he isn't surprised at the answer. She's always the first one to answer every question. Well, not today.

"And what does keratin do for the hair and nails?" The teacher asked the class, hoping that Tenten wouldn't answer.

"It help them to grow in a certain amount of time after being cut." I blurted as raised from my seat slowly. Neji looks up to me surprised and Tenten growls under her breath.

"What are you doing? Tenten is a know it all and hates it when other people answer the questions. Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Neji whispers to me quietly. Oh Neji. Since when did he become a worried about me? I nodded my head at him.

"I got this." I smiled.

🕓🕠🕒🕑🕔🕑 TIME SKIP🕒🕟🕠🕓🕔

After third period, we went to lunch where everyone was around me, talking about how much I got away with the trickery to Tenten. At second period, I was so fast at answering the questions, Tenten couldn't keep up. I was even praised by the class while she was just a shadow.

As for third period, Tenten tried to get me back by messing up my project, but she ended up getting one hour detention after school. You should've seen her when she tried to act all sneaky while the whole class was distracted and the teacher was grading everyone. The joke's on her too. I got the teacher to turn around and she caught her dead in her tracks.

At lunch, I look over three tables away, and there she was with her little posse. Still trying to act like nothing happened without the crowd sitting with her. I tried to hold in the laughter as hard as I could. I just wanted to smile in victory for the me yesterday. That is, until Neji came by and sat next to me.

"You planned all along, didn't you?" Neji asked.

"Only the first and second period. I didn't know she was about to get herself in trouble." I admitted. There's no point on hiding it now, especially when he's been knowing me since ten years ago.

"Seriously, you never change. Always challenging the older so you could be higher." Neji sighed as he rolled his eyes, "you have no idea what the consequences will be, isn't that right?"

"What are you talking about? She isn't gonna do anything. Just one more push and---" SPLAT!

Next thing I know, my whole face was covered by today's lunch, meatloaf. I was frozen in my tracks there. Who the heck threw their lunch on me?! On it got on my clothes and everything! I looked up and saw Tenten with a hand full of the food, with an evil look on her face.

"Oops, sorry. My fingers slipped." She trailed off. Dummy. Everybody knows that you did it on purpose, don't try to hide it. I rose from my feet and grabbed the same thing from my tray. I wanted her to get a taste of her own medicine. Or better yet, her own lunch. This is be her last trial.

"Oh, so I see that you want to start a fight, huh? Well, then, I guess it cannot be helped." I innocently smiled. Then someone in the background started the whole food war with just two loud words:


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