"True," he chuckled and handed me my bra. 

Slowly I got dressed. I decided to leave my hair down today. "How do I look?" I asked and went back into the bathroom to give myself one more overview. I groaned in responce. The longer I looked at myself the more I hated how I looked. "Demetri I look so sick,"

He sighed. "What about make up?" he asked. 

I nodded. Normally I never wear make up but I hate looking like this and I don't like anyone else seeing me like this either. Every day since I started looking like death I have been wearing make up. 

I half assed the make up. "Better," I said and went back out into the room. "Alec will be guarding you again," he mentioned then looked at the cup of blood that was still waiting for me. 

"Demetri, I really cant drink it," I whispered. 

"What if I make it differently, like... put it in milk," he said.

The thought of bloody milk make me gag. 

"No..." I said. 

"You need to drink it though, please." 

"Wait.... What about a strawberry blood milk shake?" I commented after a moment. "One of my favorite things... that will probably make me hate it forever," I chuckled a bit. 

He looked at me. "Seriously?" 

I nodded. "I cant drink it plainly anymore. It tastes so gross." 

He sighed. "Whatever you want my lady,"

"Lets go," I said and linked arms with him and we walked to the kitchen together. 

A few people had already arrived they were wandering around in the halls. Demetri held me close protectively. "I'm fine," I said to him and kissed his neck gently. 

"They are dangerous," he said and pulled me into the kitchen. 

I kept looking down. As we got to the kitchen I went to the freezer and grabbed the strawberry ice cream and milk while Demetri grabbed the blender and blood.

There was a knock on the kitchen door an Demetri tensed up turning around only to sigh to see one of the Cullen members. 

"Sorry Demetri I didn't mean to scare you," One of the males said. I can't remember his name.

"No need to be sorry, He is just being an over dramatic baby," I said with a little grin. 

"Am not," Demetri said walking over to my side.

I leaned onto the fridge and closed my eyes and placed both hands onto my stomach. "Okay, not now," I whispered as I felt them move around. 

Demetri sighed and knelt down and kissed my stomach. "Behave for one day okay?" he whispered to my belly and miraculously they stopped moving around. 

"I swear they don't like me," I said with a sigh, relaxing some. 

Demetri stood up and faced Emmett. "So Emmett, why did you follow us to the kitchen?" he asked. 

"I was just interested," He said truthfully. "and bored. There isn't anything to do in this castle and I'm bored."

I laughed. "Finally! Someone who understands my pain. It's boring here!" I said slowly waddling over to him and waiting for a hi-five. 

Emmett hesitated for a second but went for it. 

I smiled slightly and looked back at what we were creating. Demetri just stood there standing awkward. 

"What are you making?" He asked. 

"Yeah Izzy what are you making?" Demetri asked. 

"A Strawberry blood smoothie," I looked down trailing off. 

His eyebrows raised instantly. "That doesn't sound appetizing at all."

"That's what I thought," Demetri agreed. 

"It has to be better than it plain," I sighed and walked over to the blender. "Now are you going to help me make this or not?" I snapped getting moody. 

Demetri sighed coming over. 

"You have one moody mate," Emmett chuckled. 

I groaned. "Come get me once its done I'll be with Alec," I said beyond done with the two childlike men. 

"Babe," Demetri chuckled. 

"No," I sighed and left the kitchen heading to Alec's room. 

I knocked twice and went in not caring if he answered. 

"Shit Izzy," He said only in his boxers. 

I sighed going over to his bed and sitting down, closing my eyes. 

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerned. 

"I'm Just annoyed," I said and then opened my eyes. His eyes on me. Now he had a shirt and pants on. 

"About?" He asked. 

"Demetri and Emmett are just being childish and it's annoying. I'm tired. I'm tired of being pregnant. Cant these things pop already," the strain could easily be heard in my voice. 

He sighed and sat down next to me gently grabbing my hand. "Hey. You're almost there," he said, gently rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. 

I nodded and took a few deep breaths as the babies started to kick once again. I sucked in a sharp air. "Stop it!" I gasped and at that very moment Demetri came in with a worried look on his face. 

"And here we go," He said. "One Strawberry blood milkshake," He said and and handed me the glass. 

I took it from him quickly and drank from the straw. "Make those little devils stop," I whispered and closed my eyes drinking more. 

Demetri kissed my stomach. "Okay little ones. Be nice to mommy," He said and just like that thy human-vampire hybrid stopped. 

I took a sigh of relief. 

"Hey... Um can you two leave the shower starts in an hour and I haven't gotten ready yet. I'll meet you in your room okay Izzy?" Alec said. 

I nodded and sighed stood up. Demetri put his hand on my back and guided me up to my room.

"I'm not ready for this stupid shower," I sighed and sat on the couch and covered up with a blanket. "I'm going to take  a power nap."

He chuckled. "Go right ahead dear one," he pulled me close to him wrapping the blanket around the both of us. 

"I love you," I whispered weakly. 

"I love you most," He said smiled and kissed the top of my head. 

I smiled and closed my eyes and drifted into a light sleep. 

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