{Chapter 23}

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9 months later

Selena's POV

Today is the day that I will be an aunt for the first time, I seriously miss cris a lot... OH yeah  didnt tell you, when Irina got pregnant, it was nearly the end of the season, and after she just told me to leave her house, I didnt even visit cris, So I didn't see him for like 4 months, then after the season was back, I didnt really go to the training a lot. I had a new movie, and my co Main Character was James, after he got injured for like 4 months, he didnt know what to do after his treatment, so he started to act with me in my new film. and now we are like a duo. You of course want to know where did I lived all this time... Well I was in James's house and I am kinda engaged now. Our wedding is in one week. I've tried to tell Cris but he wasnt answering the phone so today I've decided to finally see him after like 9 months I didnt see him. I am going to the hospital.

Selena- Cris, I missed you so much

Cris- Seliii I've missed you too, where were you all this time and why did you come today

Selena- Just imagine me not here to see me be an aunt and for your first question I was with James, and I am here to invite you to my wedding

Cris- You're wedding, but how, why?

Selena-I cant live one more minute without him, he is my everything.

Cris- Sis I am soooo happy for you, but why didnt you tell me before

Selena- I've started to tell you before but your wife Irina said that you werent at home and I've tried so much time but the answer was the same so I've decided to stop asking.

Cris- And why did you even left home?

Selena- I wanted to leave you and your wife happy 

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