{Chapter 20}

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Selena POV
I still dont get why this dumbass named Neymar wants that james leave me. He was the one who cheated on me. WTF is going on. Is he jaleous and wants me back or he just wants me to regret leaving him.
The first night at James house was kinda normal and nothing happened.

3 days later
Selena and James are talking
James I love you so much
I love ya too baby and nothing or no one will separate us... that idiot is just jaleous because he lost the best and the most beautiful girl in the world and you are mine now
James you're so sweet
At first, when I met you... You didnt even care about me cz you were with that f*cking baby and I was really upset cz I really was in love with you.  And now I am the happiest man on earth. But selii I think Its time to do something more

Selena POV
I knew exactly what he meant... Ive always said to him that I am not ready yet but I think now something changed and I could accept it.
We went to the bed and we did

Next day
OMG, I dont believe I actually did it.... I have a feeling that it could be better now... I mean our relationship.
When James woke up... he told me that we have to go to training... I am so excited... the boys got 5 free days and I didnt see Cris since I left the home.

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