{Chapter 22}

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I was soooooooooo angry on Cris I was going to kill him how he dares not telling me but when I've arrived there. I saw him and here together waiting me. I couldnt say any word. I realised that its his life and I cant ruin it and when he said that there is something that he wants to tell me... I stopped him and told him that I already know it and I want him to be happy.

when I went to my room, Irina followed me and told me that I cant live anymore in this house. When I told her why and If Cris knew about that... She told me that it's her who decide not cris. She was like a real b*tch. then she told me to pack and go live somewhere else. I was shouting at her but when Cris came and asked whats going on, I knew that I want him to be happy and I told him that she was just saying to m to stay because I wanted to go back to James house.

yes this chapter is reallllllllllllllly bad but I just want to finish the story so in the next chapter... We will be 9 months after this.  

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