{Chapter 13}

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Selena POV
I really didnt want to go but I had to, James and Cris are waiting my to finish packing and the we will go to the aireport . I am stressed. How could I meet him. Would I be obliged to see him everydays, oh sh*t. Thats gonna be a really long weekend.
Cris open the door.
Cristiano and selena are talking
Selena are you ready, we have to go
Yeah, almost. Do you know with who we will be in the room.
No, but I talked to zizou and he said that you and me will of course be in the same room with someone else.
Hope it will be James
Selii love James!Seli love james
Oh shut up you idiot
You are the idiot, anyways Faster seliii we have to go today
Stfu out of there
Ok, ok diva I will be out

Selena POV
Somedays he is such and idiot but I love him, and about James, I didnt knew that its soo obvious
I just finished and we are getting out of the house. Cris had to go somewhere just before going to the aireport so he proposed that I go in james car. And of course I have accepted


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