Start from the beginning

Even though this was the first time I visited this mansion, it wasn't new for me

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Even though this was the first time I visited this mansion, it wasn't new for me. It felt homely and I love the environment of this house, it has a character the one which I adore.

" Would you like to eat something?" Albert asked interrupting my thoughts.

"No thank you Albert, but you have a beautiful home" I said.

It should be house actually!

"Actually, I came here on a purpose" I said.

" Is there anything I can help" he offered.

" Yes-no" I said, damn my ego.

"uh-Well-actually I lost my phone yesterday, I wanted to know whether you remember me holding phone in my hand, while I was talking to you" I asked.

"Wait a minute miss "he said and went inside leaving me alone in this huge library.

Soon my gaze fell on those unique and marvellous collection of books, whoever is owning this has an excellent taste of books, the row started with the novels of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who is my favourite author. I didn't even look at other books as I was the diehard fan of sherlock Holmes.

Unable to control my urge, I immediately reached for one book with the heading 'A STUDY IN THE SCARLET', even though I read the book once, I was very eager to read it because this was the limited-edition unedited copy. Such was my fascination towards Holmes.

I saw Albert coming with something just like my phone.

"I forgot to mention this earlier, is this yours? " he asked.

"Ah, yes thank you for keeping it safe" I said.

"I found it on road when you were gone but I don't have your address to contact you" he said.

Phew! Thank god, I haven't lost it in ice-cream parlour. You know people lose phones, its no big deal, but the content I have in, is very important.

"I am sorry" I said and gave him my contact details.

I was about to say good bye but got distract by distant footsteps, it's as if someone is descending the stairs.

" Don't you have any manners to ask before you touch other's things?" I heard a baritone voice.

I lifted my gaze only to find that pathetic, arrogant Bruce wade.

"I ..." before I could reply I was cut by his words.

"What are you doing in my house?" he growled at me.

His anger was evident and who wouldn't be? After all I cancelled a million-dollar deal with him.

Mr. Grumpy wade! if I knew it was your house, I would have never stepped in I thought.

"Miss Rachel came here to collect her misplaced phone sir " Albert replied. So, Albert is wade's butler then I thought.

"By the way sir, have you both met before?" Albert questioned.

"No" we both simultaneously shouted.

"I think yes "Albert said.

"I need to leave Albert" I said and made my way down stairs leaving both Albert and Bruce in the library. I made my way to exit only to find the house just like a hell. The house which was like a heaven for me few minutes ago turned like a hell fire after the obnoxious entry of that Bruce wade.

I hate you Bruce wade as well as your house!

Soon I reached the car and slammed its door very hard displaying my anger and jumped in the car and fastened my seatbelt.

"What happened? Did you get your phone?" Stacy asked.

"Yes," I sharply said.

"Then why are you upset" she asked. "Long story" I said.

Seeing that we are heading in a different direction I asked her

"Where are we heading to?".

"To mall" she said.

"When you are in, Joey and others updated me the plan and asked us to buy some requirements for the trip which were instructed by the faculty" Stacy replied.

Yeah! the trip I thought. I am very excited to go.

"Sure then" I replied.

"That's the spirit" she said.

After all shopping was shopping.



We were done with the shopping and went to grab some smoothies and were queued for the bill. Next, it was my turn.

"Cash or card" the man asked.

"Card" I replied and gave them the swipe card and continued my chat with Stacy only to be interrupted by the man from the counter.

What an old-fashioned shopping mall! Still working on swipes!

"This card is not working mam" he said.

"Sorry ...what?" I said and swapped all other cards only to find them to be blocked.

Who could have done this? I thought.

"If you want to pay, you can pay from my card" Stacy offered.

"No, thanks" I replied and took my wallet out and gave him the cash.

No sooner did I finish my payment then my head turned toward my right hearing some 'THUD' sound. I was shocked seeing it. It was a body of a woman who fell from sixth floor lying lifelessly in the pool of blood leaving her body. But soon I came out of it and yelled at the security guards to close all the entrances and exits and went near the body to check the breathing.

"Someone please call, 911" Stacy said panic lingering her throat.

"No use calling ambulance Stace, she is already dead; we need to call the cops now" I said with a serious tone.

TO BE CONTINUED..........................








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