Chapter Five

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(Doing a time skip! Same outfits ^^^)

"How is the cube?!"

Sam asked Mikaela, who looked in the neck of Bee car mode, seeing the cube on the seats.

"It's fine!"

Sam huffed and told Mikaela to put the seat belt on.


"Sam better have that damn cube!"

Ivy said, who was currently in Prim's car in the passenger seat. Prim and the girls were first to arrive in Mission City. Something happened before sector seven showed up at the Witwicky's house.


"Prim what do think gonna happen when they find the glasses?"

Becca asked, making everyone look at Prim. Though Prim wasn't listening, her eyes were glued on the ground.


Tanya said, but still Prim didn't reply. Prim shut her eyes and her mind was blank, but then a bright light was casted, startling Prim. In front of Prim stood another robot, but he looked more human. He had a white beard, his eyes piercing blue, but his body was all metal.

"Prim it is good to meet you."

The robot said, Prim looked at him weirdly and spoke.

"Who are you?"

"I am Primus the creator of the Cybertronian race."

Prim blinked a few time quickly, taking in what he just said.

"So... So your their god?"

Primus smiled and nodded "Indeed."

Prim nodded "Ok why am I here? How are you here?"

Primus chuckled "You are here because I sense that you and your friends are great warriors."

Prim nodded "Ok what the other reason?"

Primus sighed "Well, the allspark has great power, and with the right touch it can create life."

Prim huffed "I mean what's the other reason I am here?"

Primus only smiled "I have come to the decision for you and your friend to become part cybertronian... That is if you all agree, but don't worry you will have time to decide... Now you must go, and the Autobot's out of here. A group called Sector Seven is coming... Go now... go..."

Primus faded away and Prim eyes snapped open and she let out a breath of air. She looked around to see the girls and boys surrounded her. Then she spoke.

"We need to go... Someone's coming..."

Then sirens were heard, the girls quickly went to the front yard. Passing by all the men in suits, who tried to grab them. Luckily they all made it to the car and drove away...

End of Flashback~

"Prim there here!"

Prim looked over to see the Autobot's and military vehicles, but Prime wasn't with them. Prim the heard a jet engine.

"It's Starscream!"

Ironhide shouted, then Ivy spoke "He don't sound friendly..."

"Move! Take cover!"

Hide' ordered, him and Bee grabbing a trucks trailer, lifting it up as cover.


Epp's shouted, then an explosion was heard and it's force made everyone and everything fly back and hit the ground. Prim landed on the floor with a groan, but then her eyes closed and she couldn't open them.

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