Chapter Three

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"What would you ladies like to drink?"

Prim said, looking at all her friends. She went to her fridge, naming the drinks she had.

"Water." Tanya said.

"Beer." Ivy said.

"Uh I'll take the Pepsi!" Becca said.

"And I shall take... A beer to." Julia said

Prim grabbed all the drinks and herself a water. She went to sit down by her friends at her dinner table.

"So any plans for the week?"

Becca gasped "I have job interview today! It's at a store in the mall, called Classic Chic"

Ivy snickered "How the hell did that happen?"

Prim hit her shoulder and smiled at Becca "Good job Becca."

Becca smiled and took a sip from her drink, Julia spoke up.

"I gotta date tonight."

Then Ivy and Becca smirked "Oooooooooo! Julia's going a date!" They said at the same time.

"Oh shut up!"

Becca and Ivy laughed, while Prim smiled. Then she looked over at Tanya, who was deep in thought.

"What are you doing this well Tanay?"

Prim asked, making her friends jump a little and look at her. Tanya sighed.

"Work. Work. Work."

Prim frowned "Anything from the program?" She asked.

Tanya growled "No, still nothing..."

Becca smiled sweetly "You'll get into the program Tanya. Your to smart."

Tanya gave a small smile, then Prim's phone rang.

"Hey Sam what's up?"

Prim then showed confusion on her face and the girls could lightly hear his babbling.

"Woah, woah slow down! Satan's- what? No Sam-"

Prim took the phone away from her ear "The hell?"

"What happened?"

Ivy asked, curious as to why her friend had a weird look on her face.

"Sam. He said something about Satan's comero. I am gonna go check on him. Coming?"

The girls nodded and grabbed their stuff, heading to the car.


"Still voicemail..."

Ivy said, trying to call Sam through Prim's phone. Ivy looked at Prim from the passenger seat and saw the worry in her eyes.

"I bet you he is fine Prim. You know Sam can-"

Becca cut Ivy off "Guys look!"

Becca pointed ahead, her finger in the direction of the sidewalk.

Ivy squinted her eyes "Is that Sam?-"

Julia finished confusion in her voice "Riding a pink bicycle?"

"What the hell is he doing?" Tanya asked, confused herself.

"Guys! It's Sam's car!"

The others looked over to see, indeed, Sam's car... Chasing him?

"Is there someone in his car?"

Julia asked, making Ivy scoff "Know its driving by itself."

Julia growled irritated and about to retaliate, till Prim spoke "Now is not the time girls..."

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