"If you say so," Luna shrugged. They stepped into a huge gymnasium filled with other freshmen. The gym was filled with all sorts of equipment, ranging from basketball hoops to yoga mats, steel beams, and much more.

"Whoa," was all that Day could say.

"Oh look, there's the girl." Luna pointed at her. She was sitting on a bleacher.

"Hey Luna, hey Day!" they heard familiar voices call them. Sitting on a different bleacher was Evelyn, Charles, Cody, and Celeste. Luna waved back. They made room for Luna and Day as Luna and Day approached.

"So is this where combat training is going to take place?" Day asked.

"Yeah apparently so," Cody responded. "It looks really cool."

"ATTEEENNTION STUDENTS!" a voice boomed. The chatter in the stands immediately ceased. A bulky woman walked towards the bleachers with a few other adults. "We are the instructors responsible for your education in combat training. I expect that you will show us the utmost respect."

"Today will just be an introduction to the course." Another instructor continued. "Combat training really begins next Monday. Until then, you have four days to make groups of six to eight. The groups you make are the groups you will stay in for the rest of the quarter. Your group will be entered into the quarterly Acceleration Games along with your training. Each week you will have to face off another group in a battle simulation."

"One group will have to protect an item within a sphere. They will not be allowed to touch the item, only to protect them. The other group will have to invade, retrieve the item, and then successfully escort the item out of the defending territory. This will take place outside unless mother nature says so otherwise. There will be random obstacles thrown your way such as walls, terrain shifts, etc. Every time a team wins, they are allowed to open the sphere and keep the item for themselves." They paused and let that sink in. Day and Charles turned to each other excitedly. "The prizes will start small, like a five dollar gift card, but will eventually escalate once the tournament starts. Your performance before the tournament will affect where you are placed. The top teams will receive huge rewards and high honor. Don't mess around in choosing your group.

"There are some catches however. Weapons are allowed. No steel weapons or anything deemed too dangerous by one of the instructors. Anything that threatens the life of another student will not be tolerated. If you do something that jeopardizes another student's life, be prepared for me to come for yours." A few students gulped at that. "One last thing: Accelerations are allowed." Everyone in the stands exchanged looks. "R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-L-Y! We have great nurses, but I would hope that they will not have to be called. We do have a nurse in this building though should anything happen. Anyhow, you are dismissed. Don't be disruptive and wait for school to end." With that, the instructors dispersed and started talking among each other.

"Did you hear that?" Luna said excitingly. "There are prizes!"

"Screw prizes, did you hear what that lady said?" Charles bounced on the bleachers. "We can use our accelerations!" He let out a cackle and placed his hands on Cody's shoulders. "Accelerations!"

"I don't know guys," Celeste said nervously. "I'm not very good at combat, and my acceleration isn't too useful for combat either."

"I second that." Eve frowned.

"Third." Cody scratched his head nervously.

"C'mon guys, it won't be that bad." Day assured cheerfully. Charles snorted.

"Day, your acceleration is just night vision enhancement."

"Well who said an acceleration means everything?" Day shrugged. "I'm pretty good with a sword I'll have you know."

"I can do close combat I suppose." Eve announced. "I uh have a mental acceleration."

"Me too!" Celeste smiled then frowned. "How does a mental acceleration help you fight?"

"It gives me clarity and foresight." Eve continued. "It helps me predict my opponent's next actions."

"Great!" Luna gave a thumbs up.

"Well," Celeste sighed. "My mental acceleration just helps me academically. It also helps me figure out solutions to problems."

"Then you are our strategist." Luna poked her.

"I have a physical acceleration." Charles reported proudly. "It lets me increase my reflexes when I need to." Day rolled his eyes.


"Hey!" Charles punched Day's arm playfully. Day chuckled and raised his arms in innocence.

"I am a caster." Luna sang. "I am a manipulator of light. I can fire light beams at our enemies while keeping our team healthy." She struck a pose and stuck out her tongue.

"Dang," Charles whistled. "We could definitely use that."

"Last but not least then..." Eve nudged Cody's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." Cody took a deep breath. "I am an enhancer that uses my own unique method in order to buff others." Celeste gave him a look.

"What method?" Celeste questioned. Cody sighed and put his hand on his face.

"I use paints. I buff others and objects by splashing paint over them." He raised his hands up in defense. "Hey some guys just need a catalyst... paint's mine. Depending on the type of paint I use, my buff is different." Charles gave Cody a big smile and a slap on the back.

"That sounds absolutely perfect!"

"Yeah, I think we'll make a pretty good team." Luna gave two thumbs up.

"Well," thought Day. "Maybe I'll have a good time in high school after all." He looked around at his newfound friends, plotting away at how they would take on the competition. Out of the corner of his eye though, he noticed the strange girl sitting by herself low on the bleachers. Everyone else had already started making groups. "Maybe I'll invite her..." He looked around again at his friends. "I mean... Charles isn't too fond of her, and we already hit the requirements... maybe we can just stay this way. Yeah, there shouldn't be any problem." With that, Day turned around back to his friends and joined their plan on conquering the Acceleration Games.

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