chapter one

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Jill- hey I'm on my way

Selena- okay!

Jill- how's the painting going?

Selena- you wouldn't believe how amazing it's turning out to be.

Selena loves to paint. In Selena's house, she has this extra room that she didn't used, so she decided to paint it.

Jill- I bet it does. I'm gonna letcha go because I'm driving. See ya and love ya

Selena smiled at the text and had placed her phone in her back pocket. Selena went to the radio and pressed play. Music played. Selena grab the paint pencil and went back to drawing animals.

This is what Selena is painting on her wall.

While music was playing, Selena was dancing around, but with that, she heard a noise coming from the living room. Selena stop dancing and had went over to the radio and turned it off.
It was like someone was scratching the screen door. Selena then got scared. Selena lightly walked out of the room and head down the hallway. She peek into the living room, finding her cat scratching at the screen door.

"Milly, really?" Selena was now not scared. She totally forgot she had a cat and plus the cat wanted out. She walked to the screen door and opened it. "Okay, you can go." The cat went out and Selena left the screen door alittle crack. "I'm going to get you some food." Selena left the door and walked to the kitchen.

Now, as Selena left the living room to go to the kitchen, someone had grab a hold of the screen door. The door opened more and the stranger came in.
He looked around, seeing that this was a big house.
With that, he heard the girl coming back. He hesitated and hid behind the curtain, making it look like he wasn't there.

Selena came back, holding the cats bowl. She noticed the screen door was more opened. She stop where she was at and was confused and she was now alittle scared.
"Jill, if you are in here, knock it off!" Selena yelled out. She placed the bowl on the coffee table and cross her hands to her chest. "This isn't funny."
Selena sighed and pulled out her phone and had text Jill.

Selena- stop joking around.

Jill- huh? What are you taking about?

Selena just looked at the text message. She rolled her eyes and sat the phone done on the coffee table and walked out of door. She stood there, looking out, finding no one there.
Weird, she thought.

It's dark there also.

Selena walked back inside. Selena then shut the door and locked it.
Maybe it was the wind, she thought.
She itch her neck and then walked to the coffee table, grabbing her phone, but it wasn't there.
She was confused. It wasn't there.
"What tha-" Selena lean up, looking around.
She remembered sitting her phone there and now it's gone.
Her heart was racing fast.
Probably Jill.

"Jill, please stop." Selena was freak out. She left the living room, looking into rooms after rooms. "This is really isn't funny. Knock it off." Selena check her room, finding nothing. Selena sighed.
"You came here to help me paint my wall, not go and scare me." Selena slam her door shut and walked to the living room, finding a guy sitting on the couch. She went back.
He was scrolling through her message.

"Jill is your friend, right?" He asked. He looked at her.

Selena didn't say anything. Selena was lean up against a wall, scared half to death.
How long has he been in here, she asked herself. Selena moved and grab a umbrella.
What would a umbrella do, she asked.
She held the umbrella up.

"Sweetie, a umbrella isn't going to save you." He let out a smile. He got up and stood across the room, but he was walking toward her.
Selene was shaking.

"I'll call the cops," Selena said.

He held her phone up.

She took a deep breath. "Please don't hurt me."

"See, that's the problem. I have too."

Selena ran and he chased her down the hallway. With that, Selena threw the umbrella to him, but he slap it away and ran faster. He grab her hand, pulling her to him. His hand grab both of her arms pushing her to the wall.
Selena then started to wiggle her way out, but it didn't happen.

Tears fell down her eyes. "Please!" This was the last of her and now her friend was going to find her dead. "Please, you don't need to do this. I'll give you anything or I'll do anything."
She felt his warm breath on her skin, which brought chills to her body. Selena closed her eyes.
His face was close to her.

Someone knocked.
The guy and Selena looked.

"My friend. She's here and you'll get caught and then go to jail," Selena told him.

He sighed. "Go." He let her hand go and went back.
Why didn't he do anything.
She stood there.
"Better go or I'll kill you."

Selena ran away from him and went to the living room. Before opening the door, she fix her hair and wipe the tears from her face. She opened the door and Jill stood there.
Selena grab a hold of Jill arm. This was the chance.

"Selena." Jill laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Jill, we-"

"Who's at the door, baby?" The guy asked. He walked into the living room and stood there.

Selena looked at him.

"Selena, who is this?" Jill asked her.

Selena didn't say anything.

"Wait, she doesn't know we're together?" He pointed at his self and Selena.

Selena moved her hand away from Jill.
No, he broke in, she thought.

"No. I didn't even know she had a boyfriend." Jill looked at Selena, and Selena just looked at the guy.

"Surprise. We're basically private, but I try to tell her to tell you about Selena and I, but she wasn't for sure how you would handle it."

Jill did a small smile. "What I think that?"

"Because he's a bad boy." Selena looked at Jill.

The boy let out a laugh. "Yup, that's the reason." With that, the boy walked up to Selena, wrapping his hand around her neck. "So, do you approve of us?" He asked Jill.

"I-" Jill saw the tears in Selena eyes. "Selena, why are you crying?"

The guy looked at Selena. He tilted her chin, making her look at him. She didn't want too, but she did.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked.

Selena took a deep breath. "I'm scared."

Jill didn't say anything.

"It's okay." The guy wraps both of his hands around Selena. Giving her a hug. He looked at Jill. "She's crying because she is scared that you'll hate mine and hers relationship."

Jill touched Selena arm. "Selena, you know that isn't true. I wished you didn't hide the fact you were in a relationship... And to be honest, what happened to that guy you were talking to?"

Selena moved away from the guy and looked at Jill. "We were getting into a fuss, and well, we decided to take a break . Well, I thought it would've been best to go after another guy, but I couldn't do it. Because I love him." Selena pointed at the guy.

"Oh. But if you are happy with -" Jill looked at the guy, wondering what his name was.

"Justin," he said.

"If you're happy with Justin, then I'm glad. It's your life."

Justin looked at Selena and placed his hand on her waist. "See, I told you that she'll understand."

Okay, I hope y'all enjoy.

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