"Underwear?" I ask. Believe me, this guy is a maniac! I thought to myself.

"It's just an example, you have to relax." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Out of all examples, it had to be underwear? You've got to be kidding me." I told him.

"Come on, it's just an example, so let's go back to what I am talking about." He ordered and this time, it's me who rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I huff.

"You went to a store that sells the underwear you really like then you found out that the design you like don't have the size for you. So tell me, are you still going to blame yourself with that? Of course not right?" He said and I nod.

"You have a point, I admit."

"But, do you really believe in that?" I ask.

"In what?"

"That thing happens for a reason?" I asked him.

"You see this guy, this guy is my friend. His name is Henry, he had so many dreams in life, he is young but yet he died. You think it happened for a reason?" I ask him. He looks at Henry's grave first then looks at the sky.

"Back then, I used to doubt about it but then one thing happened to me that changes everything even my point of view in life."He said. All this time the he speaks, I can't help but look at him as he talks.

"People just come and go in our life but there is always something about it. Whether they stay or leave us, they always left us with something. Like for example, maybe someone you love left you but him leaving you alone just make you even stronger now, so for the next time you will fall, you are whole again."He added.

"You are so deep; you talk like you've been in my place."

He gave me a small smile.

"I just wish that people don't have to die anymore... It hurts to be left. It hurts knowing you can't see the person anymore... You didn't know where to start or how to face your future without them. Everything will change." I said.

"I know how you feel, it hurts but we have to accept it." He said.

"We don't know until when we will be here on earth, only God knows. I believe that the people who passed always leave us something to hold on, something for us to go further, something for us to continue the good things they left behind. They may not be in our journey anymore but they leave us memories and lessons to keep inside our hearts. That's what I learned in my life so far. Let's make our life more meaningful and colorful, everyday may not be always bright but we can make it brighter as long as you mix the colors right." He said as he stood up and started to walk away.

"I have to go, you should too. It's getting colder in here." He said.

"Thanks but I think I'll just stay here for a while." I told him.

He just nods and started to walk but then he looks back again.

"I forgot to tell you, my name is Garry. It was nice meeting you here in the cemetery."

We both chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, you drive safely." I roll my eyes.

"Henry's right, you're different but a good different." He said with a smile and I frown.

"Who are you? Like really?" I ask.

He smiled and told me something that made me smile.

"I'm Henry's boyfriend." He said and jogs away leaving me speechless.

I was smiling ear to ear as I look at Henry's grave.

"Henry, Henry, Henry... what else you are hiding away from us?" I tease as I sneeze.

"I told you, you go home already!" I heard Garry shouted. My sneeze probably echoed. The sound of a bike fills my ears knowing that he is already gone.

Tonight, it's just me, myself and I.

After visiting Henry, I didn't go straight back home and instead I was here at the park sitting and looking at the lake in front of me. Tears threatening to flow so bit my lip trying to fight it.

"Sam," I heard my name been called.

I look to see Luke standing there with his coat. With that, I run to him and hug him tighter and let my tears fell from my eyes. He hugs me back and whispers things I didn't quite catch.


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