"So," he began, glancing at Zephyr over his shoulder, "the soldiers in the bookshop." Zephyr knew that this was a conversation that would happen eventually, but that didn't stop her from dreading it. Maybe the men could help her understand what had happened, though. She trotted her horse ahead and began keeping pace with Jasper. Bennet still seemed lost in thought, now following behind them.

"I don't really know how it happened," Zephyr began. "I think I must have a Gift."

Jasper raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You didn't know you were Gifted?"

"No, nothing like that had ever happened before last night."

"What exactly did happen?," Jasper asked, a hint of wariness in his voice.

"Well, when they...," Zephyr trailed off thinking about what she was about to say out loud. She decided to just rush through it all before she lost control of her voice. "When they killed Agitha, I got so angry. I was scared, but the anger overwhelmed me and all I could see was what they had done to her. I could feel something... growing, expanding in me. And the next thing I knew, all of the air in the room was rushing toward me, and the men couldn't breath. I couldn't stop, I was so angry." Zephyr's voice began to shake, along with her hands, as she realized just exactly what she had done. Jasper was staring at her wide eyed and speechless. Zephyr was afraid she would see fear or disgust on his face, but she didn't. What she saw was... awe?

"I didn't mean to kill them!" she exclaimed. "I couldn't stop, I don't know how to control whatever it is that I did!"

"No, you did what you had to," Jasper said, reaching across the space between them to grasp her shaking fingers. "You would be dead right now if you had reacted any differently. I wouldn't have ever been able to forgive myself if they had killed both of you." He paused and took a deep breath. "At least I can help you now. It's the least I can do for not being there in time." He gazed into her eyes with a seriousness that shook Zephyr's core.

"Me too," Bennet finally chimed in, pulling up close behind them. "We are going to help you do whatever it is you need to do. We'll make sure you get to Faron safely and find your pretty friend." Zephyr smiled through the tears that were building in her eyes. This time though, the tears weren't caused by sadness, but instead by the immense appreciation she felt towards these men she hadn't even known a full day. She could see that they were good men, who meant what they said when they told her that they would help her. Even though she didn't really understand why they felt the need to help her, she would always be grateful that they were.

"Once we get back to the road I think we should speed up a bit until we find the next farm," Jasper said, and Zephyr's appreciation grew at the change of subject. She wiped the tears from her eyes as he continued. "One of us," he gestured at himself and Bennet, "will try to barter for some supplies."

"Saddles!" Bennet exclaimed, causing Zephyr to smile once more.

"Yes, saddles are a priority, and something to eat," Jasper responded. As if it had been waiting for it's cue, his stomach let out a rumble that would make a bear cower. Bennet burst into laughter and Zephyr giggled along with him. Jasper smiled and rubbed his stomach.

"Definitely something to eat," he repeated.


The trio covered distance quickly. After Bennet used his charming ways on a farmer's daughter, they were able to strap saddles and several bags with supplies, including some food stuffs, onto their horses and ride in relative comfort. On the third day of their journey they encountered a few small rain showers, but nothing as severe as the storm from the night they had set out.

Somehow they managed to avoid any more of the queen's soldiers in those days. Zephyr was relieved, but at the same time she could sense an anxious feeling building in the back of her mind. The longer they went without being found, the more she feared capture, something she was afraid was inevitable.

Despite her fears, Zephyr found herself growing more comfortable with Jasper and Bennet. Saria would be proud of me, she thought, satisfied with herself. It didn't even take me long to open up to them! Not that I had much of a choice, with the whole 'being on the run together' thing.

Bennet had helped to cheer her up the last few days. Despite his somewhat pompous view of himself, he had a good heart. He obviously hated to see anyone sad, and anytime Zephyr's demons threatened to overwhelm her he was ready to jump in and make her smile.

Jasper was a different sort of person. Sometimes he and Zephyr could talk and talk, and could go on for ages, only to suddenly be overcome by an awkwardness that would stunt their conversation. Zephyr knew it was partially her fault. Bennet had a way of putting her at ease, whereas Jasper was a bit... intimidating. He was always kind and gentlemanly, even friendly. But something about his presence made Zephyr overly aware of herself. Try as she might, she sometimes couldn't get past it. It didn't help that Jasper always seemed to notice whenever it happened and would then himself grow awkward. Usually their conversations would trail off into uncomfortable silences until Bennet piped up with something new to talk about.

When she wasn't chatting with one of the men, Zephyr was usually trying to draw upon her Gift again. Anything to keep her mind off of the terrible state of her affairs.

For the first day, nothing happened at all. On the second day, Zephyr felt the tingling in her arms that she had felt that night in the bookshop, but no where near as severely as she had felt it then. She honed in on that feeling, memorizing everything about it. After a day of practicing, she could feel her power growing in her on command, but still was unable to cause anything to happen.

By day three, Zephyr was thoroughly frustrated. The men offered suggestions, but they couldn't really help much, as neither of them were Gifted and they hadn't known anyone close who was. Her irritation continued to grow into the evening.

Zephyr was focusing on a leaf caught in the mane of her horse. She was trying with everything she was made of to blow it out of the tangle of hair, to no avail. She could feel power flowing inside her, but it seemed trapped there, seeking release but never finding it.

Her annoyance finally peaked, she couldn't take it any longer. Zephyr let out an audible growl and squeezed her eyes shut in frustration, gripping the reins until her knuckles were white. She felt a burst of something in her core and her eyes flew open.

The mare's mane had blown forward into it's face. The animal was irritably flicking its head and ears to try and brush the stray hairs away. The leaf was floating to the ground a few feet to Zephyr's right.

Zephyr felt an explosion of glee and was just opening her mouth to tell the men what she had done when Bennet's voice rang out.

"Oh no, not again!" he exclaimed, urgency coating his words.

Zephyr looked back up the road in the direction he was facing. Five men wearing what looked like uniforms, though she couldn't be sure at this distance, had apparently just spotted them and kicked their mounts into a gallop. Zephyr shot a panicked look at Bennet, then at Jasper. Jasper shrugged and forced his horse into a gallop as well. Zephyr and Bennet quickly followed suit, and the three dashed up the road.

Ever So Lightly- Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant