It's Always Watching

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This isn't my story, but my friend's. His name is Alex and he's turning 20 this year. I'm writing this for him because he...can't and I need to get this out of my system. He told me everything not long ago and that explains why he was acting crazy for so long. And what he did. I didn't really believe him at the time, but, now I wish I had. Or at least was there for him. He needed somebody and I wasn't there...

Alex said it started six months ago. He was at the local college and was walking to his car when he looked up to see someone at the end of the parking lot. Now, the parking lot is pretty big so Alex couldn't make out any of the features, but it seemed like this guy was just standing there staring at him. He shrugged it off as nothing, got in his car, and drove home.

From then on, Alex said that, every once in a while, he'd look out a window at a restaurant or in the rear view mirror while driving and see the shape of what looked to be a person, just standing and staring. Alex started to get nervous but more confused than anything.

As time went on, he'd see more and more of this person, always in the distance, never moving, and always looking like he was staring at him. I remember one time that the two of us were walking down the street to get some food when he motioned behind us and down the road. He had mentioned lightly to me about these weird occurrences, but I never noticed anything. Alex motioned for me to look and I turned...and saw nothing. Alex swore and looked frustrated. He said it was gone. The moment he looked away to get me to turn and the two of us looked back, it had gone. I'd like to say I was a good friend, but Alex was starting to freak me out. It worried me. I thought he might be starting to go crazy.

I didn't hang out with him much after that and I guess it was my mistake then. After that day in the street, it seemed to get closer to him. A week later, for the first time, Alex saw him from his bedroom window, standing down the street. It was close enough that he couldn't make out any real features, but he said that it didn't seem to be wearing any clothes. He could just make out that there didn't seem to be anything covering a really scrawny body but that was it.

And it just kept appearing.

The few times I hung out with Alex after that, he seemed nervous. Kept looking over his shoulder and off in the distance. He seemed to be looking at something, but, after what happened last time, he never mentioned it to me.

I remember the night Alex finally got a good look at it.

He had been home by himself making some dinner, when he happened to glance up out the kitchen window. There, standing across the street, was that thing. It was dark, and the distance still rather decent, but Alex could make out enough details to be terrified.

It was naked and its sickly, skinny body seemed barely held together by stretched, yellow skin. Its fingernails hung down in long, dark curls that rolled up to its palms. He could even see the things ribs, not because of its skin being so tight, but because it's skin had broken there and it's ribs gleamed in the street light. Its face is what got to him though. It was barely more than a skull with yellowy skin stretched over it and a mouth that looked like somebody had taken a knife and cut it into its head. The eyes though...he could barely talk about the eyes. They were the only thing that seemed alive about it.

Two, wide eyes reflected the light of the street light and seemed intent on only one thing: him. Alex looked away, gasping and biting back tears before he looked up. There it stood. Not making a move. Not twitching. Just staring. He closed the curtains and then grabbed the phone to call me. He said he didn't care if I believed him but that he just needed to get this out. I didn't know what to think. I tried to comfort him and tell him it was all right but what was I really going to say? That he needed help because he kept seeing some skeleton staring at him?

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