Sleepless nights (collection of really creepy ones)

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I'll love you forever

My girlfriend died. She was in a car accident. I cried for hours when I found out. I started crying because my girl was gone. I kept crying because our last words had been hard ones. A fight over the phone.

The funeral was awful. I only glanced at her body. Too much make up. It made me ill.

Later that night I found myself hugging my pillow, unable to sleep. I fumbled for my phone in the dark. I read our last text conversation. Then I wrote her a new message:

Me: I'm so sorry, Lizz. I'll love you forever.

I hit send and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I looked at the time. 1:49 am. It was a message from her phone.

Lizz: Forever? :)

Who has her phone? I wondered. I was instantly angry.

Me: Who is this?

Lizz: It's me, Lizz.

Me: Whoever the hell this is, please... just stop.

Lizz: It's me, I promise. I'll prove it. Ask me something only I would know.

I proceeded to grill her with question after question. The sun was up before I was convinced. She said she couldn't tell me where she was, but that it was amazing and she was happy. She said it was against the rules to talk to me, but that she couldn't help it. That made me smile. She said she couldn't call, but that she would text me whenever she could.

For months we wrote each other. We mostly reminisced about old times. She refused to share any details about her new life. I didn't want to pry. I was just happy to read her messages.

Then she told me I should start dating again. I told her no. We started arguing:

Lizz: I don't think we should text each other anymore.

Me: What are you talking about?

Lizz: This was a bad idea. I'm sorry.

Me: No. Wait. I'm sorry. I can't lose you again.

Lizz: I love you.

Lizz: Goodbye.

I texted her everyday for weeks begging her to write back. I soon found myself in the grips of depression. I had lost her all over again.

One night I woke up only to find myself alone in bed. My room was cold and dark. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 1:49 am. Zero messages. I would have cried, but I was all cried out.

I heard a faint shuffling noise coming from inside the closet. I looked up... and there she was. She slowly emerged from behind my hanging shirts. Even in the dark her delicate features were unmistakable.

"Lizz." I whispered. My heart was pounding. She didn't say a word. She just stared at me, smiling. The moon coming in from my window made her pale skin glow.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I jumped. She stopped and looked down at it.

Maybe she can't speak, I thought. I picked up the phone and read the message:


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