Chapter 33

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Lucy stood, wrapped up in her own thoughts, watching Natsu walk further away, accompanied by Erza, Gray and Happy. She knew that she had her own mission in this battle, but she desperately wanted to walk into the fight alongside the rest of her team. And they were a team, she realised, despite the fact that she could only remember five - or was it six? Everything was happening so quickly - days of time spent with them, she felt accepted as she'd never done before.

It felt nice, she realised, having a family again. She hadn't noticed quite how much she'd missed the security of it. Since her mother had died, her father had retreated even more into his work, and though the servants always treated her well, it wasn't the same. In Fairy Tail, she had found the family she never even knew she missed.

Allowing a small smile to slip through her concentration, Lucy secured her grip on the handle of her whip. Though unlike the one she remembered practising with at the mansion, Natsu had assured her that fleuve d'étoiles would behave exactly as she wanted it to. Checking to make sure she still had her keys with her, she slipped quietly round the side of the building, avoiding the beginnings of the main fight out front.

Natsu and Gray were already fighting several of Shin Uchu's members together. As much as they hated to admit it, they made a good team, Lucy observed. Fire and ice were a good combination, since they required very different fighting styles to beat. When used together, they were almost unstoppable. I just hope, Lucy thought, seeing Gray turn to Natsu with an annoyed expression, they remember who they're supposed to be fighting.

Spotting a side door further round the building, Lucy continued to make her way towards it, as much undercover of the fairly sparse vegetation as she could be, praying that everyone was too wrapped up in the fight at the front to have any lookouts posting. Absorbed in making sure no one saw her sneaking up to the door, she almost jumped out of her skin as she heard a man's voice just the other side of it.

There's nothing of note in here.

Or wait, was that the other side of the door? It sounded almost like-

Wait Laxus, isn't this that book Levy and Lucy were trying to translate?

A female voice this time, and yes, they were originating from inside her head. Lucy had completely forgotten about Warren's telepathic ability.

If it's a fairly thick golden one, then yes, it's the book Lu-chan and I were trying to translate.

That was definitely Levy's. This is going to take a bit of getting used to, having everyone in my head, Lucy thought, careful not to accidentally project her internal mutterings to everyone. Getting a grip on the door knob she carefully turned it. Locked, of course, because nothing is ever that easy.

Why did they leave that here? Surely it makes more sense to keep it with them.

That was the man's voice again - Laxus, Lucy realised.

There is no point questioning the minds of others. If you are done with reconnaissance I suggest you head over to Levy's location so she can continue translating the book.

That must be the master, she noted. The telepathic communications having quietened down a little, Lucy refocused on the task at hand. Taking a few steps back from the door, she took a flying leap, aiming the heels of her feet right below where the lock of the door should be, hearing a faint 'click' as it gave way.

"Lucy kick!" she exclaimed, then giggled, as she realised she was talking to herself.

Pushing open the door, she cautiously entered a dimly lit corridor. Tightening her grip on her whip again, she carefully extracted one of her silver keys from the pouch at her hip.

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