He sat up straight. "I haven't kept anything from you."

I frowned and titled my head to the left. "And now you're lyin' to me?"

"Giselle, I have no reason to lie to you."

"Well it must be very deep for you to keep something like this from me."

"Keep what from you? I keep it one hundred wit'chu about everything."

"Oh? I beg to differ."

"About what?" He asked, gettin' irritated.

"It all makes sense now. The two of us goin' to the same school. Me, you, and Solange havin' big ears. The three of us likin' and dislikin' the same food. The fact you and Solange have the same birth mark. The fact that your middle is his first, and your first is his middle. All the similarities, they tripped me out. We share a lotta things, Kenneth, but us havin' the same dad never crossed my mind."

Solange's eyes nearly popped outta her head as she released a shocked gasp. She looked at me and I knew that she was tryin' to piece it all together. That's probably the same expression I had.

"How... did you.." Matt trailed off. He looked at me as if he were tryin' to find the words to say and tryin' to figure how I found out.

"Next time, hide your birth certificate." I spat.

"My birth certificate?" He frowned a bit. "How did you get that?"

"Are you serious?! Is that really important?"

"No." He answered timidly. "I was just wonderin'."

"How long have you known?" Aggressively I asked.

"I've always known." He admitted shamefully.

"Wow.." I shook my head. "All this time. You knew all this time." I said bitterly. He stood up and took a step towards me. I took a step back. I wasn't in the mood to be touched, especially not by him.

"All this time, Kenneth? So, from the day you were placed in my class in kindergarten. You knew that we have some of the same blood runnin' through our bodies? You knew that we were brother and sister!" I frowned tryin' to make sense of it. I just couldn't understand.

"Yes, but at the time I didn't understand the situation. He told me that he would be the one to you guys."

"Yeah well.. He didn't get the chance to."

"I'm sorry-"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how. I couldn't just come to you and say that I'm your brother. You would have thought that I was crazy."

"You could have explained that your mom and my... Our dad-whatever- they had relations, or whatever the case was. It's simple!"

"No. It wasn't."

"Why wasn't it?"

"You wouldn't want to know a few things."

"A few things? Like what?"

"I'm sorry for not tellin' you guys-"

"Were you ever goin' to tell us?" 

"I honestly don't know." He sadly shrugged his shoulders. "I was afraid of tellin' you."

"What is there to be afraid of? We've been friends for so long. What did you think would happen?"

"I know that, but still, it's a sensitive subject."

"Ya think?! I'm strong enough to handle it. Considerin' what has happened to me, I can handle anything."

"The time was never right to tell you. You were always deallin' wit' something."

Runaway Love[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now