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Sorry it took me soooo long!!!


Chapter 7

(Missy's POV)

I woke up with something soft and muscular as a pillow. I looked up and saw Caleb so cute when he was asleep. 

I ran my hand down his perfect cheek bones and nose. Then to his lips. They were so soft.

I had to fight myself not to brush my lips againist his. It was SOOOO hard not to.

"You looking at all my sexinest now are you?" Caleb said in a husky voice.

I internaly moaned. God that was sexy.

"Haha, sure. Whatever you want to think." I said trying not to squeak. I squeak when I lie. I turned to him and remembering last night. OMG! I TOLD HIM EVERYTHING!!! I bet he was going to spread it to the whole entire school. I started to cry and ran. I ran all the way to my car and unlocked it. Rushing and started driving.

(Calebs POV)

CRAP! What did I say wrong. My heart throbbed thinking i made her cry. I jumped from bed and into Jasons room.

"MISSY RAN AWAY! I DONT KNOW WHY? DUDE WHERE CAN SHE BE?" I yelled at him. What if she got hurt? What if someone captured her?

Jason jumped up. "What did you do to her?"

"I dont know, she woke up and we talked to her for a minute or two." I said. I would never try to make her cry.

"I will call her real quick." Still angry, so angry it scared me.

"Hey where are you at?" He said trying to keep calm. "WHAT!" he screamed, what could be so bad. "Yah, I know your 18 and should be alowd to have boyfriends, but is there someone there?" He asked still pissed.

"Okay bye." He slammed the phone shut.

"Where is she?" I asked curiously.

"With Logan." He snarled. "If that boy hurts my sister,i am going to KILL him."


I ran out the door and sped right to Logans house. I looked through his window and saw them laying on top of each other. I sped away. I didnt want to see it. I drove back to my house and saw a curios looking face and ran straight to my room. I got my phone and phoned Jessica.

"Hey babe, wanna do something today?" She purred into the phone. She wasnt my girlfriend or anything just another toy.

"Yah, meet you at your house." I ran downstaits and sped away to Jessicas.

(Missys POV)

Me and Logan were in his room talking. He was laying down and I was looking at his drawings and they were GREAT! Right now he was drawing me right now. 

"Stop moving!" He yelled at me. I started to do the running man and fell on top of him. We stared at each other suprisingly and started to burst out laughing.

"I came here to ask you something." I stated seriouly.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"I told Caleb about my life story, which is pretty personal, and do you think he would tell everyone it?" i asked looking down sadly. If people found out they would laugh at me and how my mom is nothing but a jailer.

"NO! Why would you think that? I think he really likes you and would never do that." He said.

I blushed "Do you really think he likes me?" I said.

"Have you seen the way he looks at you? Gezz girls never see anything like this." He stated.

Sorry about the last part. But we all do it!!!



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Kiss Butterflies



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2012 ⏰

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