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Heyy guys please comment and vote. I really need help since this is my first story :)

Also I need some cast so commet for some actors and actresses.

Chapter 2

(Calebs point of view)

I waited out of Logan to see his sad face. When he walked out he smirked.

"20 bucks please." He said with a smirk.


"Dude, chill out. But I didnt just get her name, i got her number and a date with her too."

I stomped away. I felt jealous again and didnt like it. A idea popped in my head, a dumb one but maybe it will work.

20 minutes later I was making out with some girl I didnt even know.

"Oh Caleb" She tried to purr but she just spit on my face.

"EWWWW! Why did you just spit all over my face." I stomped out of the janitors closet and went to the bathroom to get this spit off my face.

Okay this might have not been the best idea.

(Missy's point of view)

I sat in class waiting for the bell to ring for school to be over. My teacher was just talking but only like two kids were paying attention. I sighed and rested my head on my desk.

Then I heard the magical sound of the bell ring.

I jumped out of my seat and drove home. I live with my brother after my mom went to jail, thats why i moved. My dad died when I was three, thats when my mom became involved with drug dealing. Now I lived with my brother who was 19 and got out of high school last year.

"Jason, im home!" I yelled.

"Hey how was school?" my brother yelled playing some game off of x-box.  

"Good." I plopped my self down right next to him. Me and him could be twins if we wanted to be.

"Hey, im inviting some of my old football team over, you might know them they are in the same grade as you, and some of my age friends.

"Sure, wait, is one of the football players named Logan or Caleb."

"Yah, they both are why?"

"Well Caleb I hate, but im going on a date with Logan."

"Whatev...WHAT? My sister is not going on a date with Logan. NO! NO! NO!"

"Why not?" I said angrily, he cant tell me what to do.

"BECAUSE! He is like one of the biggest players in the school, minus Caleb."

"Well I think I can take care of myself."

I stomped up stairs. Ever since I got my heart broken by the who shall not be named, he has been so over protective. Gezzz. I make one mistake with a guy and he is on OVER protective mode.

(end of chapter 2)

Who is this mysterious guy?

Hope you guys enjoyed and also who should be Missys Brother Jason.



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