"Luke," my dad said behind him. Luke stopped and turned around. He looked to my father, "Yeah?" He said and waited.

     "Um... Thank you for taking care of my daughter," he said then ran his hand through his hair. Luke smiled, "Of course." He told him, then he walked off. A couple minutes later my dad said quietly, "I'm going to go talk the nurse." Then he walked out. I was surprised at everything that just happened.  It had been so long since I had a real conversation with my dad that wasn't stepping on tippy toes. My whole life for as long as I could remember, everything was just tiny conversations. It felt good to actually speak my mind for once.

     After a couple more hours finally I was allowed to go home. The car ride home was silent like usual. But this time it was a completely awkward silence. My dad didn't even attempt to say a word to me. I looked over to him as he drove. He had one hand resting against the side of his head and the other on the steering wheel. I didn't want to yell at him, but it seemed like the only way he would actually listen to me. He seemed to be completely focused on his thoughts. I sighed and looked out my window. This was just too much. Everything was becoming too much for me. I just felt like I was trapped in my own bubble. I finally had a taste of something new, and of course I had to go and ruin it. M phone beeped and I pulled it out. There was a text from Luke.

   You home yet?

  I answered back;

   Not yet. Almost. I'll call you tomorrow instead of tonight. okay?

He said yes and that was that. We finally got home and went inside. As soon as I opened the door I heard the sound of paws smacking the floor. Sure enough, there came Lucy running to me. She jumped up on me and started kissing me. I brought myself down to my knees and I wrapped my arms around her. Her fur was warm and inviting and I rubbed my hands through her fur. She kept attacking me with kisses, which was unusual for her. She wasn't the warmest dog in the world. She must have felt what I had gone through that day. She was one smart dog. I grabbed her leash and brought her outside. She did her business and then we headed back inside. Things just felt completely different. Nothing was going back to the way it was.


    Today was the first day of school. Since that day, things have been different between my dad and I. He seemed to actually listen more, and I  tried to be a little easier on him. He actually brought me an Iphone. I think he was feeling guilty for yelling at me in the hospital. Since then I hadn't had any seizures. I was upstairs in my room putting on the final touches of my outfit, not that it necessarily mattered. I wore just simple black jeans, and a light blue tshirt. I was as simple as one could get. I brushed through my hair and took one last look at myself. I didn't have any redeeming qualities physically. Maybe my hair color, but besides that I was just a plain Jane.

    I picked up my back pack and headed downstairs. Lucy trailing herself behind me. When I got downstairs my dad was running around the kitchen trying to get himself settled. He was going to drive Luke and myself to school this morning. It was nice of him to offer, especially cause I know he's so stressed about work. He actually had an interview today at a new job, and he seemed hopeful. I hoped that he got it, and maybe he would finally be able to cut loose every once in a while and not be so stressed.

    I looked on the table and there were pancakes sitting there waiting for me. I smiled and went over. I devoured them quickly then poured myself a cup of apple juice. It felt like normal times. I chugged the apple juice and finished situating my backpack. My dad had just finished his morning coffee and was now straightening his tie. My dad was a smart guy, he handled finances for big companies in his past. The company he was at now wasn't doing right by him. They were holding him for long hours, and not giving him the proper pay. He was tired, and worn out. I could tell, and he was sick and tired of it.

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