Chapter 6: EHHH?! Me?! Candidate for Ohime-sama?! Kaito, Ouji-sama?!!

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Miku's POV:

*sighs* Another fraustrating day was passed by me.. I wonder when will this pain stops..?


Miku woke up on another new day, a day were she think it'll turn out worst.. She though and yet she feels like it isn't, or is it..? "Miku~nee.. Wake up already and take that butt off yours out of the bed.." Mikuo said as he look at Miku. Miku then lets out a frown face and said "Yeah~ Yeah~ I'll take it off.." then stood out of the bed and went to the bathroom.


"So.. How's your day, Miku~san..??" Rin said as her eyes glimmer. Miku then lets out a smile and said "I'm fine, Rin~chan.. Guess I'm tired and all last School Fest.." "So you're not affected to Meiko and Kaito's Tandem..?" Rin said then smiled cheerily to Miku. At first, Rin though Miku would react like 'EHHH?! What am I to bug in that Good-For-Nothing Kaito's Love Life?? You know I hate that Bitch!' or maybe 'Hahaha~ Are you kidding me, Rin~chan?? Of course Not!' but instead, Miku just went silent.

At first, Rin freaked out a bit but Miku just giggled and said "Yeah right.. As if I would be.. Come on, Rin~chan! You know me.. I hate that person!" then patted Rin's back. Later, Len smacked Rin's head and said "I told you it's just between us that I had the feeling about Miku~san liking Kaito~san!" "Aw!! Sheez.. I was curious, 'kay??" Rin said as she scratched her head. Len then looked away and said "Sorry.." "Nah~ It's Ok, Len~nii.." Rin said and suddenly added "Let's head back to class, 'kay?" "Un~" Len said and followed Rin.


Len's POV:

I wonder if Miku think that I told it to Nee~chan..?


Rin's POV:

Silly Len~nii.. Why is he so concern to Miku~san? Don't tell me he's to over protected.. or maybe.. HE'S INLOVE WITH MIKU~SAN?!! Nah~ That's Impossible~


Miku's POV:



Lunch Break:

At lunch, everyone was so quiet. No word can be heard though, when suddenly Luka smiled and said "Hey Guys, have you heard about the rumors of 'Prince and Princess Vocaloid High Contest'..?" "What is it about..?" Rin said as she bit her bento. Luka then smiled and said "It was said on the flyers that the council will choose a pair of students that will compete at each other in the semi-finals.. But in audition, you should be the one to find your pair and partner till the end.." "That HARD??" Miku said as she look like exausted and haggard.

After lunch, Miku later went to her Nii-chan to take a nap~ "*SFX: Miku*Please~ Let me sleep for a while, Mikuo-nii~" "*SFX: Mikuo* No.." "*SFX: Miku* Just a minute~~" "*SFX: Mikuo* Still a NO.. Plus aren't you preparing for the Prince and Princess VH Contest..?" "*SFX: Miku* What are you saying?? I'm not joining that friggin' game.." "But your name was registered here and it saids here that your partner is Kaito Shion.." Mikuo said as he looked at the paper on his hand.

Miku's eyes where unpredicted whether she'll get mad or happy. But, since she was registered to the 'Prince and Princess VH Contest' she got no choice but to agree on it.

~ The Day Of The Showdown Begins ~

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