Chapter thirty-three

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"You may kiss the bride."

I scooped Kate up in my arms and kissed her fiercely as the wedding guests erupted in cheers and roars.

These cheers and roars, Mia sobbing, Bear laughing, and clapping filled the room.

I had always dreamed of this day, and I had always wondered who that special girl was going to be. The special girl I was going to say my wedding vows to, and kiss in front of my friends and family. To hold in my arms for the rest of my life.

But now I know that girl is Kate Winslet.

The love of my life, my pride and joy from this day onwards. I made a promise today. That I will love and cherish her forever. If I don't then I am no man, I am not fit to live on this earth.

And I deserve an ass whipping. I might get one anyway though, since now its honeymoon time.

"Penny for your thoughts?" My gorgeous bride beamed at me.

"Love, you don't want to know," I winked.

She rolled her eyes and punched my arm.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"For all the times you were an ass. But unfortunately, now I have asshole all over my hand."

I look around.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Oh, just my side hoe, she promised she would be here today."

"You mean Julie?" Kate said flatly.

"Yeah, jealous my bride?"


A muscly lady approaches me. "Congratulations Leo," she said, eyeing Kate suspiciously.

"Julie! Glad you could make it!"

Kate nudged me on my side causing me to awkwardly do a chicken dance.



Kate's POV

The music started to play and Leo took my hand. He knelt to the ground and kissed it. "May I have this dance m'lady?"

All eyes were on us as he grabbed my waist and danced rhythmically.

"I see you have become a better dancer since I last danced with you," Leo whispered.

"Oh please, I've always been great. First in class."

"For being the worst dancer?" He chuckled.

"Excuse me?"

He jerked me towards him suddenly, our faces dangerously close to meeting. "You are excused madam."

Leo rested his nose gently on mine as the night fell.

The moon lit the way and the stars twinkled. A shooting star flew past.

"Make a wish," I said pulling away.

We both closed our eyes and became lost in our own minds.

"What did you wish for?"

"I can't tell you," he mused.

I pouted when he pulled me close again, this time, holding me just that little bit tighter.

"But if you must know," he added, "my wish has already come true."


A/N: This chapter was half the size of the usual chapters I write (I usually write 1000-1500 per chapter but this one was only about 500). I didn't want to drag it out too much because I feel like it ended on a good note. Also sorry for any typos in this story, or if something didn't make sense, sometimes I'm too lazy to go back and read it again. (We've all been there, don't you dare throw rocks)

OMFG I can't believe this is the end of the story, I'm almost in tears. Thank you so fucking much to anyone who stuck around till the end. I know I'm a shit writer but you all mean so much to me. I can't even express myself (I never can express myself lmao because I suck at finding the right words).

I may have lost my inspo for this story but I can't just leave a story half way I usually like to finish what I start, or delete it completely (which I wouldn't usually do).

I was gonna make a separate authors note chapter after this chapter but I decided to stick it on the end here since this chapter is super short anyway.

Love you guys so much, and if you guys ever want to chat then just hmu, dm me, I'm always here if you need anything or you just want to talk to someone about whatever. Always eager to make new friends bruh.

Also fun fact, my real name is Sarah. I was nicknamed Kitty from a real young age because my milkshake bought all the cats to the yard ;) haha but basically thats where that came from, i was cat obsessed and spent my time with cats, so everyone started calling me Kitty. But anyway this AN is getting long.

Ilysm my little kittens,

Sarah (aka Kitty) xo

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