Chapter two

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Ned's POV

I took the glass from my mates hand and counted down.

"One, two, three," we chanted together, and shot the substance in the small glasses into our mouths.

I felt giddy, but who cares. I certainly don't. We played pool all night and continued to drink.

"Haha, imma go for a piss okay," I laughed. I was gonna get so drunk tonight.

I did my deed and ended up throwing up in the toilet. But that's not going to stop me from drinking more. I was having the time of my life.

Then I remembered Kate. She's not going to like this. She hates it when I drink, and I remember the last time I came home drunk. I pissed on the carpet and slapped her for telling me off. We got into a huge fight afterwards and I still feel like there is tension between us till this day because of it.

Oh well. She's not the boss of me, I can't do whatever I like. Frankly, she can get fucked.

Leo's POV

I tossed and turned but struggled to get to sleep. I know, it's strange, but when I drink tea, it helps me get to sleep. I get up and wander to the kitchen, making myself a hot cup of herbal tea.

I drunk my tea and read through a magazine. I went to the upcoming movies section, and the first page consisted of reviews on "The Fault In Our Stars".

I sipped my tea some more and scanned the reviews, then flipping over to the next page.

There was a huge picture of Shailene Woodley and Theo James. My eyes wandered over and I found a picture of Kate Winslet. She played Jeanine, the baddie.

Kate is my best friend, I haven't seen her in forever. We played lovers Rose and Jack in James Cameron's hit movie "Titanic" and then a married couple in "Revolutionary Road".

I can't imagine life without her. She's my babe. My homie. We've been best friends ever since we started filming Titanic. That was eighteen years ago.

I wonder how she is doing. We have to catch up. I think I will call her tomorrow.

Kate's POV

I'm getting really worried about Ned. He still isn't back, it's twelve 'o clock now, and the kids are in bed.

I wander where he is. I hope he's alright, he is usually back by eleven when he's out late.

I sat down and decided to watch some T.V while I waited. I turned it on and it came up with Hollywood gossip, the replayed version, since they had already played it earlier in the day.

"Kylie Jenner is planning on getting plastic surgery, and the Kardashians are actually encouraging her to get it done earlier rather than later! Do you think Kylie is too young to go under the knife?" The hosts voice filled the room.

The door slams open. There he is. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Oh my god Ned where the fuck have you been? I've been so I smell alcohol?" I whiffed the air and the odor was coming from his breath.

"Aye! You lil b-bitch! You do n-not talk to me like that. Have a bit of respect..." He vomited all over the floor.

"Ned! I can't believe you've been drinking and didn't tell me!" I fumed.

"Baby, y-you just gotta chill out. Chill out babe." He started stroking my hair.

"No Ned! I've had enough of you! You never support me, or the kids," I yelled. I knew I was wasting my breath, because he wasn't even listening. But I needed to rant.

After thirty seconds of screaming and ranting, Ned came up to me and started kissing me with his disgusting breath.

" calm down." He started pulling my clothes off and dragged me to the sofa.

"Ned! Get off me right now. Get OFF NOW!!!" I struggled. He was stronger than me.

I punched him on the face.

"You are a disgusting human being! Asshole!" I felt so helpless. He's a disgrace.

He touched the blood on his face and slapped me hard across the face. "Bitch, you will learn to respect m-me," he stuttered.

I stood there as he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. He went into our bedroom and grabbed his belt from our closet. I don't want to know what he's going to do with that.

He wrapped his hand around my blonde hair and went back down to the living room.

"Get down. GET DOWN NOW!" He ordered as he whipped the leather sofa, making a loud noise.

I hesitated and did what he said. He took my top off and whipped my back over and over again. I winced in pain, but I was wise enough to not make too much noise. I didn't want the kids waking up to this sight.

He stood me up, and whipped my back several times more, giving me lectures on how I should respect him and listen to him more.

I started sobbing as blood oozed out from my huge gashes on my back.

There was no escape. I was trapped. I had to do what he said, and despite that, he would still abuse me just because he thought it was fun. This was going to be a long night, but I've had enough.

The pain was unbearable. My entire back stung like mad, but I couldn't do anything about it.

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