Chapter One

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You found it. After all these years of searching for it you finally found it. Jungkook's address.

"YES! OHMYGOD! FINALLY!" You screamed.

You were so shook. You could even say you were...Jungshook.

"Whats going on? Are you having another seizure?" Your roommate Bri said walking into your room looking like a concerned mother.

"Um I'm fine, yup totally ok, my um...exercise videos are just...very interesting." You replied slamming your laptop shut.

"You and your Kyoya fan fictions" She sighed shaking her head as she walked back to her room.

You waited for her to close her door and resume watching Tokyo Ghoul. You slowly opened your laptop again and scribbled down the  address on a purple post it. You tip-toed over to your nightstand and pulled out your journal. Yes you have a journal, but this journal isn't like all the other basic ones. This journal contained all of your plans to finally go see him. You have been keeping this a secret from everyone. You have even kept this journal hidden from Bri, who was like Levi on crack when it came to cleaning. If Bri found it, if anyone found it, they wouldn't understand your undying love for Jungkook. Sure Bri 'loved' Suga but she would never love him as much as you love Jungkook. You would be called a creep, a weirdo, a stalker. You carefully opened the small black journal. Being a VERY emotional person you began to cry as you carefully placed the note in the center of the first page. All of your hard work, had finally paid off. You were finally going to see the love of your life, Jeon Jungkook.

You got up from the floor and closed your door and locked it. Bri usually respected your privacy but you weren't taking any risks. This was srs bisnis. You sat down at your desk and started to book your flights and hotels using the money from your secret savings account. When you went to book your hotel you realized you didn't have enough money since the plane tickets were a lot more than you expected. You glanced over at the pile of kpop socks on your bed. You need to stop impulse buying merch. You remembered that you had been saving up coins in your old piggy bank. Most people questioned how you could have so many coins. You also remembered there was a machine at the grocery store near your house that gave you cash for your coins. You shut your laptop and walked over to the shelf where your old piggy bank sat. After many attempts to pick it up off of the shelf you finally managed to do it. You decided to put it in a backpack to make it easier to carry. You stopped to listen to what Bri was doing. All you heard was silence. She was probably sleeping. You quietly left the house and drove to the grocery store.

You found the machine and slowly started dumping all of your coins in it. You were receiving judgmental looks from the costumers checking out but you didn't care. They didn't understand. Nobody did. Once the machine was done counting all of your coins you took your receipt. "$1,348.36" it said. You really did have a problem with collecting coins. You really hoped the cashier would be able to give you that much money. You put your piggy bank back into your bag and walked over to the counter. You received a weird look from the cashier but she was able to give you the money. You quickly thanked her and left the store. You needed to get home before Bri woke up. You drove to the bank and put the money into the savings account. You quickly drove home. You didn't want to risk her being suspicious. You got into the car and drove home. You quietly opened your front door. You listened to see if she was still sleeping. You didn't hear anything. You sighed in relief.

"BWAH!" Bri screamed jumping out from behind the door.

"GAHH!! WUTHEFUUCK!" You screamed.

Bri burst into laughter at your reaction. You punched her in the arm.

"I HATE YOU!" You screamed.

You left Bri rolling on the floor laughing still. You closed your door and sat down at your desk to resume preparing for your trip. This was perfect timing since Bri was going to visit her family in Germany the day you were going. It seemed a bit unrealistic but this is a fan fiction, anything can happen. Once everything was planned you flopped on your bed. In a few days you would be with the love of your life.

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