Everything had exploded in excitement and rage. Jabba was yelling guards orders to do his bidding, bringing only more poor souls who will be if anything fed to the Sarlacc.

Luke knocked another guard over, having a moment of silence he came to free Chewie, "Easy, Chewie."

"Luke, we got company." Anakin grabbed Luke's shoulder to show him the canons that emerged from the sides of Jabba's barge.

Then an eruption of blasts hit the side of their skiffs, knocking Lando off. Lando was luckily able to grab onto a rope hanging on the side, landing roughly in the sand. He yelled for help, and Han noted to go get him after being freed.

Suddenly Boba Fett lands on the skiff and starts to aim his laser gun at Luke, who
has freed Han and Chewie from their bonds. But before Boba can fire, the Anakin is on top of him, lightsaber sweeping, and hacks the bounty hunter's gun in half.

Immediately, the skiff takes another direct hit from the barge's deck gun. Shards of skiff deck fly. Chewie and Han are thrown against the rail.

"Chewie, you okay? Where is he?" Han asked his friend, the Wookiee is wounded and he howls in pain. "I'm okay, pal."

For a moment, Luke is distracted, and in that moment, Boba fires a cable out of his armored sleeve. Instantly, Luke is wrapped in a strong
cable, his arms pinned against his side, his sword arm free only from the wrist down.  Just as Anakin was ready to intervene, Luke bends his wrist so the lightsaber points straight up to reach the wire lasso and cuts through. Luke shrugs away the cable and stands free.

Another blast from the Barge's deck gun hits near Boba and he is knocked unconscious to the deck, next to where Lando is hanging.

"Guys?!" Lando yells from below.

"Lando!" Han yells back, still seeing a blurry image below.

Luke is a little shaken but remains standing as a fusillade brackets him. The second skiff, loaded with guards firing their weapons, moves
in on Luke and Anakin  fast. Anakin leaps toward the incoming second skiff. The
Jedi leaps into the middle of the second skiff and begins his crusade.

Chewie, wounded, tries to lift himself as he barks directions to Han, guiding him toward a spear which has been dropped by one of the guards. Han searches the deck as Chewie barks directions; finally he grabs hold of the spear.

Boba Fett, badly shaken, rises from the deck. He looks over at the other skiff, where Anakin had just been joined by his son, is overpowering a multitude of guards. Boba raises his arm, and aims his lethal appendage.

Chewie barks desperately at Han, "Boba Fett?! Boba Fett?! Where?" Han replied with the same inflection. Being blind in the middle of a battle field was less than calming.

Luckily he had to do little to fight him, the long spear in his hand whacks squarely in the middle of Boba's rocket pack.

The impact of the swing causes the rocket pack to ignite. Boba blasts off, flying over the second skiff like a missile. He screams as his armored body makes his last flight past all the action into the deep abyss of the desert. Chewie growls a weak congratulations to Han.

Leia turns from the spectacle outside, she couldn't watch anymore. She wanted, needed, craved action of her own. Jabba helped when he kept pulling her chain, literally, the angrier he got. The angrier he got was the angrier she got.

She leapt onto Jabba's throne, and threw the chain that enslaves her over his head around his bulbous neck. Then she dives off the other side of the throne, pulling the chain violently in her grasp. Jabba's flaccid neck contracts beneath the tightening chain.

She felt it inside her again. That force that made her pull harder, farther, stronger than she had ever imagined she could be. All of the things this thing had done to her, disrespected her, and overall abused her and the hundreds of girls before her. She wanted to kill him. Not disarm him. Not turn him into the Empire for his crimes. Kill him.

And so he was dead. When he gave up struggling, his huge eyes bulges from their sockets and his scum-coated tongue flopped out. The Exalted Hutt's huge tail slammed down into final stillness. Leia struggled to free herself of her bondage.

For a second she hesitated. Feeling the empty, cold hollowness in her that followed. He seemed so weak now. The only power he truly held was his numbers and money. She should be happy, proud even that she accomplished such a feat. But her muscles weren't tired. All she felt was a fear of herself, the abilities shes subconsciously been tapping into. She was scared of adapting into her mothers patterns.

Another blast hit the barge, signaling her to run to the deck. To get somewhere away from here and to her family. Maybe she could find answers there.

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