Chapter 25: Betrayed

Start from the beginning

"Ya. But if he breaks my baby's heart, I'm breaking him."

"Haha. That would be funny to see." Liam laughed. Carlos glared at him. "No no. The David breaking part. Not your daughter getting he heart smashed by David." He said nervously.

"I would like to see David break too" Carlos agreed smiling.

David came running back up too us. When he got over to us, he huffed and slammed himself on the ground with his arms crossed.

"What's wrong drama queen?" I asked sitting next to him.

"I caught Ashe and went to go give her a kiss, but she got away and locked me out of our room." He huffed upset.

Liam, Carlos, and I stared at David for a second before bursting out laughing.

"That is great!" Liam shouted trying to stop from falling.

"That's my daddy's little girl." Carlos smiled proudly. "I'll go get her." He said before he walked off.

Once I stopped laughing I stood back up and stretched. "So. Where's Jake? He didn't say anything about any meetings or running patrol last night."

Liam and David froze and looked at each other.


"I don't know." Liam said not looking at me.

"Ya. I'm with Liam." David replied whistling.

"You know. You not looking at me, and you whistling are a sure dead give away that I know you two are lying." I said putting my hands on my hip.

Liam sports Sadie walking over to us. "Of course I'll grab your phone fore you Sadie. David will you come help me get it?" Liam asked.

David nodded frantically. "Ya. Of course bro."

They let out a nervous laugh before they sprinted off.

Tony, Katie, and Lilly just stood there with a confused expression on their faces.

Well that makes five of us.

"I have my phone right here..." Sadie trailed off as she held up her phone.

"Okay then." I laughed as I watched their retreating forms.

"Do you want to play soccer with us Sadie?" Lilly asked holding the soccer ball up.

"Ew no." Sadie scowled. Bitch.. "I came here to talk to Avery."

"You did?" I asked.

"She did?" Katie asked.

"I did." Sadie confirmed.

"About?" I asked.

"Jake. Listen, just because you think you are hot shit because you are the only werefox out there. Or fox spirit whatever you call it. You're not." She shrugged. "You are still pretty weak, and Jake will be crawling back to me."

"He never was yours." Katie said matter-of-factly.

Said whipped her head to Katie, but Katie never flinched. Huh, brave kid. Must be the alpha blood in her.

"Listen here. Your brother and I belong together no matter what. And I won't let his little slut of a mate ruin that. They shouldn't even be mates."

Lilly gasped and threw the soccer ball at Sadie, which hit her in the gut and stomped on her foot.

"Don't say that about my sister!" Lilly yelled.

Sadie growled and that caused Lilly to flinch.

Tony noticed and stood in front of Lilly and let out a possessive and dangerous growl.

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