Jack Slater part 4

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Interview participant: Jack Slater (Friend of Miss Turner)

Interviewed at: 14 Nelson Walk, London. [Residence of interviewee] 4th June 2015. cont.

She spent the whole summer with me and slowly I saw her get back to her old self. My fears vanished the day she burst into my room with a smile and an application in her hand. She'd decided to stay in London and get a part time job, she even applied to the University and was waiting for a response. She got accepted of course, her grades were never the issue. Everything was going great, we ended up getting a bigger flat together and my best friend was back to her confident self, taking on the world with her head held high like always. Although something in the back of my mind could tell she hadn't dealt with her demons fully. I guess I should have seen it coming. She was always so good at putting up a front, I thought I was the one person who could see through it. I guess not.

I'm sorry, God I didn't mean to start crying on you. Look at me, I'm a wreck. Okay where were we? Oh yeah. She was living with me in London, getting her life back together. I could almost see the old Bell coming back, she had her walls up still and I was working on bringing them back down. I wasn't having much luck, but then along came Cory. He was a student in her class who'd caught her eye. God the amount of nights she came back gushing about him and how he'd brushed his hand against hers when reaching for a textbook. It was funny to see her so love-struck and it was refreshing for Bell to be the one doing all the chasing for once. I guess she found the one guy who wasn't under her thumb.

BelindaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora