David Black

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Interview participant: David Black (Acquaintance of Miss Turner)

Interviewed at: Great British Café, Stoke [Workplace of interviewee] 3rd July 2015

Can I help you? That's me, what do you want to talk about? You're asking me to remember some girl from three years ago, I'm sorry but I don't really make it a rule to remember the girls I hook up with. I doubt it but go on, what was her name? Belinda? Oh yeah I remember that night, did this chick have red hair? Yeah, I remember her. She was gorgeous there was no denying it, but she just wasn't my type.

Is this going in the newspaper or something? Well I don't know how I can help with this, I only met her that night and we didn't really talk that much. Okay, well me and a couple of mates were at the club like usual. Belinda had caught my eye when she walked in. I watched from my booth as guys came up to her and brought her drinks, she smiled at all of them and took the drink but that was where it ended. A few tried to dance with her but she easily shrugged them off. At first I thought the guy she was with was her boyfriend, but after a while of watching I could tell he was just a friend, he didn't seem to be into the female type if you get what I mean. Not that having a boyfriend would have stopped me from making my move, I liked a challenge and Belinda was definitely that.

"David, we're bouncing. There's a party going on at Terrys. You coming?" my mate, John, asked, pulling my attention back to him and the three girls sat around us. I'd become bored with them quite quickly and now had my eyes set on a new target.

"I'll meet you there." I explained watching as Belinda's mate walked away leaving her to fend for herself.

"You're not after that girl are you?" I could hear John ask.

"Why not? She's fit." I told him as Belinda walked to the bar to get a drink.

"Mate I know you're good, but that girl has been turning down lads all night." And as if to illustrate John's words, Belinda was approached by another guy who wrapped his hand around her shoulder and she instantly pealed it off without saying a word.

"Trust me I'll get her to come to the party as my date." I told him a plan formulating in my mind.

"I thought I was your date!" shouted one of the girls sat with us.

"Change of plans sweetheart," I told her.

"If you actually pull this off I'll give you a hundred quid." John said before leaving with the girls.

It didn't take long for Belinda to get frustrated with the guys around her, she walked out the club after throwing her drink on one guy who had gotten too touchy. This was my moment, I quickly followed her out seeing her leaning against a wall getting some fresh air. Putting my plan into place I staggered over before stumbling and knocking into her.

"Ouch, do you mind?" she shouted at me, but I had 'fell' on the floor besides her keeping up my drunk act.

"Wow, sorry love" I slurred, trying to get up but stumbling again.

"Are you alright?" she asked stooping down to my level.

"Yeah, just make the floor stop spinning," I said adding a groan for effect.

"Here, let me help you up." I knew this would work. "Are you here with anyone? Friends?" she asked.

"They left a while ago, its fine I'll just drive home." I told her rooting in my pockets for my car keys.

"No! You can't drive. Let me get you a taxi, where do you live?" she asked and that was that. I told her the address to the party and ten minutes later she arrived there with me. I pretended that my friends were inside so she helped me find them and well I was a hundred quid richer after that night. I don't know how or when she went home but there was a rumour going around that Terry had managed to shag her. I doubt that big lump could pull a girl like her but John swore he saw her running down the stairs a little dishevelled.

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